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[英]Copying from one sheet to another using buttons based on value

I'm using microsoft excel 2013. 我正在使用Microsoft Excel 2013。

So i have two sheets. 所以我有两张。 "Cases" and "Summarize". “案例”和“摘要”。 All of my important info is on the Cases sheet. 我所有重要的信息都在“案例”表中。 Is there way i can be on the "Summarize" sheet, push a button and copy all the cellrows with the value "RLH" from cases over to the summarize sheet? 有什么办法可以将我放在“摘要”表上,按一下按钮,然后将所有案例中值为“ RLH”的所有单元格复制到摘要表中?

I've filled the entire row up to N. And i want that entire row to be copied into the summarize sheet when I push the button. 我已经将整行填满到N。并且我希望在按下按钮时将整行复制到摘要表中。 The "RLH" value is on the N(last) column. “ RLH”值在N(最后)列上。

I know how to create the button and how to insert the code. 我知道如何创建按钮以及如何插入代码。 I've been googling my ass of, but I cant seem to find anything that fits me. 我一直在搜寻自己的屁股,但似乎找不到适合自己的东西。

All help is greatly appreciated. 非常感谢所有帮助。

Here is very simple. 这很简单。 that will get you started 那会让你入门

assign to Button 分配给按钮

Option Explicit
Sub Mybutton()
    '// declare a variable 
    Dim cRng As Range
    Dim rngA As Long
    Dim rngB As Long
    Dim Cols As Long
    Dim sCases As Worksheet
    Dim sSummarize As Worksheet

    '// Set the sheets name
    Set sCases = Sheets("Cases")
    Set sSummarize = Sheets("Summarize")

    '// goes through each cell in Sheets"Cases"
    '// and copes the Value "RLH" to Sheets"Summarize"
    '// it starts from last row in column A & looks up
    rngA = sCases.Cells(Rows.Count, "N").End(xlUp).Row
    Cols = sCases.UsedRange.Columns.Count
    For Each cRng In sCases.Range("A2:A" & rngA)
        If cRng.Value = "RLH" Then '<<<<<<<<< Value = "RLT"
            rngB = sSummarize.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
            sSummarize.Range("A" & rngB).Resize(1, Cols) = cRng.Resize(1, Cols).Value
        End If
    '// loop
    Next cRng

    Set sSummarize = Nothing
    Set sCases = Nothing
End Sub

hope this helps 希望这可以帮助

you may also find help full on the following link MSDN Getting Started with VBA . 您还可以在以下链接“ MSDN VBA入门”中找到完整的帮助。

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