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[英]If string meets a pattern then edit R

I have a large list of data. 我有大量的数据。 I want to edit it according to some pattern recognition. 我想根据某种模式识别对其进行编辑。 For example: 例如:

if I have a letter then I want to print that letter and some additional characters after. 如果我有一个字母,那么我想在那之后打印该字母和一些其他字符。

If I have some numbers I want to print the numbers and some additional characters after. 如果我有一些数字,我想在其后打印数字和一些其他字符。

If I have a unique character like "@" "#" "/" and/or ":" Then I want to subsitute it with a space. 如果我有一个独特的字符,例如“ @”,“#”,“ /”和/或“:”,那么我想用一个空格代替它。

If I have n (n being a number like 9) numbers then n (n being a number) characters then I want to print what I have and add some letters or characters to the end of the string. 如果我有n个(n是一个像9的数字),然后有n个(n是一个数字)字符,那么我想打印我所拥有的字符,并在字符串的末尾添加一些字母或字符。

So let a data set be
data  output
F       F State
M       M State
R       R State
55      55 Object
53      53 Object
993M@L  99M L Object
93283M  93283M State0

I think it would be similar to a ifelse(if there are 5 numbers followed 1 letter, original space State0,NA) 我认为这类似于ifelse(如果5个数字后跟1个字母,则原始状态为State0,NA)

I would also like the NA,so that way I can see in my data what does not match the rules that I make. 我还希望使用NA,这样我就可以在数据中看到与我制定的规则不匹配的内容。

This is my first time working on this and I am researching but most of the resources are not for R. Any additional help is great! 这是我的第一次研究,我正在研究,但是大多数资源都不适合R。任何其他帮助都很棒!

You can use the following function with grepl and gsub : 您可以对greplgsub使用以下功能:

    if(grepl("^[A-Z]$", str, perl=TRUE)){
        gsub("^([A-Z])$", "\\1 State", str)
    else if(grepl("^\\d+$", str, perl=TRUE)){
        gsub("^(\\d+)$", "\\1 Object", str)
    else if(grepl("[@#/:]", str, perl=TRUE)){
        str<-gsub("[@#/:]", " ", str)
        paste(str," Object")
    else if(grepl("^\\d+[A-Z]+$", str, perl=TRUE)){
        gsub("^(\\d+[A-Z]+)$", "\\1 State0", str)

print(x)        //output: "F State"

print(x)        //output: "55 Object"

print(x)        //output: "993M L  Object"

print(x)        //output: "93283M State0"

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