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NsArray ContainsObject无法与自定义NsObject类一起使用

[英]NsArray ContainsObject is not working with Custom NsObject Class

I am checking if my one of the array consist the Nsobject which i have created custom way. 我正在检查我的数组之一是否包含我创建自定义方式的Nsobject i am using ContainsObject method.my problem is that contains object not working ever.even though i have same object in array its not returning the true value. 我正在使用ContainsObject 。我的问题是包含对象无法正常工作。即使我在数组中有相同的对象也没有返回真实值。

if([self.arrSelectedInterest containsObject:interest_ent])

i am also attaching the screen shot of my debug points which showing the value of the nsarray and comparing object and in that i found that interest_ent is a same object that contains in self.arrSelectedInterest and still it always return false. 我还附加了调试点的屏幕截图,其中显示了nsarray的值并比较了对象,并且发现我的interest_entself.arrSelectedInterest中包含的同一对象,但始终返回false。


anyone have any idea how to check if my nsarray of custom nsobject contains specific Object? 有谁知道如何检查自定义nsobject的nsarray是否包含特定的Object?

Following is my hash and isEqual Method which i have overriden and also shwoing my property types in nsobejct. 以下是我的哈希和isEqual方法,我已重写它们并在nsobejct中显示了我的属性类型。 @interface InterestEntity : JSONModel @interface InterestEntity:JSONModel

@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString* InterestId;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString* Name;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString<Optional>* Code;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString<Optional>* Description;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSArray<Optional>* Hashtags;

- (NSUInteger)hash {
    NSUInteger result = 1;
    NSUInteger prime = 31;

    result = prime * result + [self.InterestId hash];
    result = prime * result + [self.Name hash];
    result = prime * result + [self.Code hash];
    result = prime * result + [self.Description hash];
    result = prime * result + [self.Hashtags hash];
    return result;
- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object {
    BOOL result = NO;

    if ([object isKindOfClass:[self class]]) {
        result = [[self InterestId] isEqualToString:[object InterestId]] &&
        [[self Name] isEqualToString:[object Name]] &&
        [[self Code] isEqualToString:[object Code]] &&[[self Description] isEqualToString:[object Description]] && [[self Hashtags] isEqual:[object Hashtags]];

    return result;

the problem is in implementing isEqual method in handling nullable objects 问题是在处理可空对象中实现isEqual方法

ie if two strings is null isEqualToString: will return false 即,如果两个字符串为null,则isEqualToString:将返回false

Here is a proper implementation to handle all cases 这是处理所有情况的正确实现

- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object {
    if (object == self)
        return YES;
    if (!object || ![object isKindOfClass:[self class]])
        return NO;

    // not nullable fields
    if (![self.interestId isEqualToString:object.interestId])    
        return NO;   
    if (![self.name isEqualToString:object.name])    
        return NO;
    if (![self.code isEqualToString:object.code])    
        return NO;

    // nullable fields (2 if statements for more clean code)
    if (self.description != null && ![self.description isEqualToString:object.description])    
        return NO;    
    if (object.description != null && ![object.description isEqualToString:self.description])    
        return NO;

    if (self.hashtags != null && ![self.hashtags isEqualToString:object.hashtags])    
        return NO;    
    if (object.hashtags != null && ![object.hashtags isEqualToString:self.hashtags])    
        return NO;  

    return YES;

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