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[英]Error setting attribute of an sdl2 Entity

I am using the pysdl2 library. 我正在使用pysdl2库。 self.velocity will print, but self.forward_tick with throw a key error. self.velocity将打印,但是self.forward_tick抛出关键错误。

What is causing only part of the self attributes from being assigned. 是什么导致仅自我属性的一部分被分配。 I am thinking it has something to do with the inheritance. 我认为这与继承有关。

class Robot(sdl2.ext.Entity):
    def __init__(self, world, sprite, posx=0, posy=0):
        self.sprite = sprite
        self.sprite.position = posx, posy
        self.velocity = Velocity()
        self.forward_tick = 0
        self.go_forward = 0
        self.unit_forward = (1,0)

Here is the output: 这是输出:

Collins-MacBook-Air:soccer_bots collinbell$ python test_simulation_world.py 
<simulation_world.Velocity object at 0x108ecb5c0>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/collinbell/.pyenv/versions/3.4.3/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sdl2/ext/ebs.py", line 53, in __getattr__
    ctype = self._world._componenttypes[name]
KeyError: 'forward_tick'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_simulation_world.py", line 3, in <module>
    world = Simulation_World("Test Simulation", 1080, 720)
  File "/Users/collinbell/Programs/soccer_bots/simulation_world.py", line 100, in __init__
    self.player1 = Robot(self.world, sp_paddle1, 0, 250)
  File "/Users/collinbell/Programs/soccer_bots/simulation_world.py", line 22, in __init__
  File "/Users/collinbell/.pyenv/versions/3.4.3/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sdl2/ext/ebs.py", line 56, in __getattr__
    (self.__class__.__name__, name))
AttributeError: object ''Robot'' has no attribute ''forward_tick''

From the docs on component-based design with sdl2.ext , the Entity type is special, and doesn't follow normal Python idioms. 使用sdl2.ext进行基于组件的设计的文档中, Entity类型是特殊的,并且不遵循常规的Python习惯用法。 In particular, you can't just create arbitrary attributes; 特别是,您不能仅仅创建任意属性。 you can only create attributes whose value is a component type, and whose name is a lowercased version of that type: 您只能创建其值是组件类型且名称是该类型的小写版本的属性:

Entity objects define the in-application objects and only consist of component-based attributes . Entity对象定义应用程序内对象,并且仅包含基于组件的属性

The Entity also requries its attributes to be named exactly as their component class name, but in lowercase letters. Entity还要求将其属性准确命名为其组件类名称,但要使用小写字母。

So, when you try to add an attribute named forward_tick , that causes Entity.__setattr__ to go looking for a class named Forward_Tick in the world's component types. 因此,当您尝试添加名为forward_tick的属性时,这将导致Entity.__setattr__继续在世界上的组件类型中查找名为Forward_Tick的类。 Which it apparently does by looking up self._world._componentypes[name] , which is the line that's actually raising the exception, as you can see in the tracebacks. 它显然是通过查找self._world._componentypes[name] ,这实际上是引发异常的行,如您在回溯中所见。

Without knowing anything more about your code and your design than the tiny fragment you showed us, I can't tell you how to fix this. 除了您展示给我们的那小片段之外,对您的代码和设计一无所知,我无法告诉您如何解决此问题。 But most likely, it's one of the following: 但最有可能是以下之一:

  1. You actually wanted to create a Component , not an Entity , 您实际上想创建一个Component ,而不是Entity
  2. You wanted to wrap up forward_tick in a Component type that this Entity can contain, or 您想将forward_tick包装为该Entity可以包含的Component类型,或者
  3. You didn't want a Component -oriented design in the first place. 您一开始就不需要面向Component的设计。

At any rate, as the docs say: 无论如何,正如文档所说:

If you are just starting with such a [component-oriented] design, it is recommended to read through the The Pong Game tutorial . 如果您只是从这种[面向组件]设计开始,建议通读The Pong Game教程

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