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[英]How to config ESLint for React on Atom Editor

In Atom Editor I installed the following plugins 在Atom Editor中,我安装了以下插件

  1. linter 棉短绒
  2. linter-eslint 棉短绒,eslint

It seems they don't recognize the JSX syntaxis. 它们似乎无法识别JSX语法。

I have it working on the command line but had to use other plugins like esprima-fb and eslint-plugin-react . 我让它在命令行上工作,但不得不使用其他插件,如esprima-fbeslint-plugin-react Looks like there are no such plugins for Atom Editor and would like to know if anyone of you knows a way to hack around this. 看起来Atom编辑器没有这样的插件,想知道你是否有人知道如何解决这个问题。

To get Eslint working nicely with React.js: 让Eslint与React.js很好地配合:

  1. Install linter & linter-eslint plugins 安装linter&linter-eslint插件
  2. Run npm install eslint-plugin-react 运行npm install eslint-plugin-react
  3. Add "plugins": ["react"] to your .eslintrc config file "plugins": ["react"]到.eslintrc配置文件中
  4. Add "ecmaFeatures": {"jsx": true} to your .eslintrc config file "ecmaFeatures": {"jsx": true}到.eslintrc配置文件中

Here is an example of a .eslintrc config file: 以下是.eslintrc配置文件的示例:

    "env": {
        "browser": true,
        "node": true

    "globals": {
        "React": true

    "ecmaFeatures": {
        "jsx": true

    "plugins": [

I am using Eslint v1.1.0 at the moment. 我目前正在使用Eslint v1.1.0。

Side note : I had to install both eslint and eslint-plugin-react as project dependencies (eg, npm install eslint eslint-plugin-react --save-dev ). 旁注 :我必须安装eslint和eslint-plugin-react作为项目依赖项(例如, npm install eslint eslint-plugin-react --save-dev )。 Hopefully this helps. 希望这会有所帮助。

Updated answer for 2016: just install the react package in Atom and add a .eslintrc file in your project root (or in your home dir) containing the following: 2016年的更新答案:只需在Atom中安装react包,并在项目根目录(或主目录)中添加一个.eslintrc文件,其中包含以下内容:

  "parserOptions": {
    "ecmaFeatures": {
      "jsx": true
  "env": {
    "es6": true

And re-open any files containing JSX and it should work. 并重新打开包含JSX的任何文件,它应该工作。

You need to edit a project local .eslintrc file that will get picked up by ESLint. 您需要编辑一个项目本地.eslintrc文件,该文件将被ESLint选中。 If you want integration with Atom, you can install the plugins linter and linter-eslint . 如果你想用的Atom集成,您可以安装插件棉短绒棉短绒,eslint

To quickly setup ESLint for React best practices, current best option is installing the npm package eslint-plugin-react and extending their recommended configuration instead of toggling many rules manually: 要快速设置ESLint for React最佳实践,当前最佳选择是安装npm包eslint-plugin-react并扩展其recommended配置,而不是手动切换许多规则:

  "extends": [ "eslint:recommended", "plugin:react/recommended" ],
  "plugins": [ "react" ]

This will enable eslint-plugin-react and recommended rules from ESLint & React presets. 这将启用eslint-plugin-react和React预设的eslint-plugin-react和推荐规则。 There is more valuable information in the latest ESLint user-guide itself. 最新的ESLint 用户指南本身提供了更多有价值的信息。

Here is an example of parser options optimized for ES6 and webpack: 以下是针对ES6和webpack优化的解析器选项示例:

  "parserOptions": {
    "sourceType": "module",
    "ecmaVersion": 6,
    "ecmaFeatures": {
      "impliedStrict": true,
      "experimentalObjectRestSpread": true,
      "jsx": true

I use Atom and it works just fine. 我使用Atom,它工作得很好。 You just need an .eslintrc in your project root which tells ESLint that you're using eslint-plugin-react . 你只需要一个.eslintrc项目中的根,它告诉您使用ESLint eslint-plugin-react

  1. For Mac user: Go to Atom --> preferences --> Install --> search package linter-eslint --> click install 对于Mac用户:转到Atom - >首选项 - >安装 - >搜索包linter-eslint - >单击安装

  2. For Ubuntu user: Go to Edit --> preferences --> Install --> search package linter-eslint --> click install 对于Ubuntu用户:转到编辑 - >首选项 - >安装 - >搜索包linter-eslint - >单击安装

  3. go to command line ---> npm install --save-dev eslint-config-rallycoding 转到命令行---> npm install --save-dev eslint-config-rallycoding

  4. Come to atom make new file .eslintrc and extend the rallycoding. 来源原子制作新文件.eslintrc并扩展拉力赛编码。

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