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[英]cURL not POSTing to PHP

I've been working with PHP + cURL on a fun side project of homemade server monitoring. 我一直在使用PHP + cURL进行自制服务器监视的有趣项目。 Right now, I've been trying to use cURL to send POST data to a PHP file with this command: 现在,我一直在尝试使用cURL通过以下命令将POST数据发送到PHP文件

echo "temp=`sensors | grep 'Core 1' | cut -c9-21 | tr -d ' '`" | curl -s -d @-

The problem is, it doesn't seem to be posting any data whatsoever PHP: 问题是,PHP似乎都没有发布任何数据:


//add your server aliases here
$servers = array(
    "" => "Larry",
    "" => "Le Mac Pro",

if(isset( $_POST['temp'], $_POST['df'] )){

    preg_match('/\d+\.\d{2}/', $_POST['temp'],$temp);

    preg_match('/\d+%/', $_POST['df'],$df);

    $stats = array(
        "temp" => $temp[0],
        "ip" => $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]

echo "empty";
echo "<table>";

    foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
        echo "<tr>";
        echo "<td>";
        echo $key;
        echo "</td>";
        echo "<td>";
        echo $value;
        echo "</td>";
        echo "</tr>";

echo "</table>";

function save_to_stats($stats){
    $data = json_decode( file_get_contents("temps.json"), true );
    $data[  $stats['ip'] ] = $stats;
    file_put_contents("stats.json", json_encode($data), LOCK_EX);

function output_stats_table(){
    global $servers;
    //display data
    $data = json_decode( file_get_contents("temps.json"), true );

    <table id="projects">
        <?php foreach($data as $server => $stats): ?> 

                <td class="server-status" style="width:48px;" ><?php if (time() - (int) $stats['time'] > $timeinsecondstoalert )


                    }  ?></td>
                <td class="server-name" style="width:200px; text-transform:lowercase;"><?php echo $servers[$stats['ip']] ; ?></td>

                <td class="server-load" style="width:72px;"><?php echo $servers[$stats['temp']] ; ?></td>

        <?php endforeach; ?> 

function number_of_bars($df){
    $value = (int) str_replace('%', '', $df) / 10;
    return round( ($value > 8 ? 8 : $value) * .8 );

I am totally mystified as to what the problem is. 我完全不知道问题是什么。 Without the POST data being made, the JSON file isn't either, therefore no data. 如果不制作POST数据,那么JSON文件也不是,因此也没有数据。

Problem is I do not know the output of the "sensors" program, it might even include some "horrible characters" ;-). 问题是我不知道“传感器”程序的输出,它甚至可能包含一些“可怕的字符” ;-)。

For starters I would first test curl with "easy options": 首先,我将首先使用“简单选项”测试卷曲度:

echo '{"temp": "Hello, world!"}' | curl -X POST -d @-

please observe the "-X" option and in the receiving php script I would do: 请观察“ -X”选项,并在接收PHP脚本中执行以下操作:


That way you at least know the parameters are correct, including your IP address etc. 这样,您至少知道参数是正确的,包括您的IP地址等。

Then you can go to the next step with more fancy input options - including piping the output of your program. 然后,您可以使用更多精美的输入选项进行下一步-包括管道化程序的输出。

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