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[英]Unable to add slot and connect it to a button

I gathered a code of an application called calendar from the base of examples of the Qt Framework. 我从Qt Framework的示例中收集了一个名为calendar的应用程序代码。 I am trying to learn from it and add there some functionality. 我正在尝试从中学习并添加一些功能。 The problem right now that I've got is that I want to implement two function to the two button that I created ( one for increase counting of the days and the second for decrease ). 我现在遇到的问题是,我想对我创建的两个按钮实现两个功能(一个用于增加天数,第二个用于减少天数)。

The code that I added to the function for increasing the days is: 我添加到函数中以增加日期的代码是:

void MainWindow::forward(int *click_forward)

and the code added to the function for decreasing the days: 以及添加到函数中以减少使用天数的代码:

void MainWindow::backwards(int *click_backwards)

In the constructor I defined a variable named click which of the int 在构造函数中,我定义了一个名为click的变量。
type, and I sent this variable to the both function by reference: 类型,然后通过引用将此变量发送给both函数:


In the header file, in the public slosts area these both functions are 在头文件的公共目录区域中,这两个函数都是
defined as: 定义为:

   void forward(int *click_forward);

   void backwards(int *click_backwards);

I also implemented two SIGNAL-SLOT connections: 我还实现了两个SIGNAL-SLOT连接:

   QObject::connect(nextbtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(forward(int  

   QObject::connect(beforebtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, 
   SLOT(backwards(int &clickt))); 

But for some reasons when I compile the project I receive an information that: 但是由于某些原因,在编译项目时会收到​​以下信息:

   QObject::connect: No such slot MainWindow::forward(int &click) 

   QObject::connect: No such slot MainWindow::backwards(int &clickt)

I wanted to use pointers in these two functions, just to work on the original variable itself not on the copy. 我想在这两个函数中使用指针,只是为了处理原始变量本身而不是副本。 Could I please ask you to point me out what I am doing wrong. 我能否请您指出我做错了什么。

Thank you, 谢谢,

The problem is that your signal and slot(s) have different signatures: signal has no arguments, but slot has an argument of pointer type. 问题是您的信号和插槽具有不同的签名:signal没有参数,但是slot具有指针类型的参数。 Besides, even if your signals connections would work, the execution of such code wouldn't do anything useful (at least) as you modify the temporary defined variables click_backwards etc. 此外,即使您的信号连接有效,执行此类代码也click_backwards (至少),因为您修改了临时定义的变量click_backwards等。

I would solve this in the following way: 我将通过以下方式解决此问题:

Define the class member variables and slots: 定义类成员变量和插槽:

class MainWindow
private slots:
    void forward();
    void backwards();

    int click_forward;
    int click_backwards;

Define slots: 定义广告位:

void MainWindow::forward()

void MainWindow::backwards()

And finally establish connections: 最后建立连接:

QObject::connect(nextbtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(forward()));
QObject::connect(beforebtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(backwards())); 


QObject::connect(nextbtn, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::forward);

By the way, you're not increasing the value of the integer, you're increasing the pointer. 顺便说一句,您没有增加整数的值,而是增加了指针。

That's a bug waiting to happen. 那是一个等待发生的错误。

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