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[英]Rails - Passing parameters from a view to a controller

I am trying to implement a "Settings" page to my website. 我正在尝试在我的网站上实现“设置”页面。 In this page, the user can change some basic settings, such as their email and subscription to emails. 用户可以在此页面中更改一些基本设置,例如他们的电子邮件和电子邮件订阅。 Right now, I am just trying to get them to be able to unsubscribe from emails. 现在,我只是想让他们能够退订电子邮件。 When first signing up, they have the option of checking a checkbox, and the value is stored in a mysql database. 首次注册时,他们可以选择选中一个复选框,并且该值存储在mysql数据库中。 Now, I am having difficulty figuring out how to change it from a different page. 现在,我很难弄清楚如何从其他页面进行更改。 Here is what the controller for signing up looks like: 这是注册控制器的外观:

class SignUpsController < ApplicationController

  def index    

  def new
    @user = SignUp.new

  def cost
    return 10

  def create

    @user = SignUp.new(sign_ups_params)

    if @user.save!

      flash[:notice] = "Thank you " + @user.first_name + ", account created     successfully."
      redirect_to(:controller => 'home')

      flash[:error] = "something failed"
      redirect_to :back
    flash[:error] = "Failed to create user, email is taken or passwords do     not match"
    redirect_to :back

    def sign_ups_params
  params.require(:sign_ups).permit(:first_name, :last_name, :email,     :password, :password_confirmation, :subscription)

Here is a portion of the view for the sign up page to show how I went about filling out and submitting the form: 这是注册页面视图的一部分,以显示我如何填写和提交表单:

<h3>Create New User</h3>

    <%= form_for(:sign_ups, :url => {:action => 'create'}) do |f| %>

    <table summary="Subject form fields">
        <th>First Name</th>
        <td><%= f.text_field(:first_name) %></td>
        <th>Last Name</th>
        <td><%= f.text_field(:last_name) %></td>
        <td><%= f.email_field(:email) %></td>

        <td><%= f.password_field(:password) %></td>
        <th>Password Conformation</th>
        <td><%= f.password_field(:password_confirmation) %></td>
        <th>Subscribe to email</th>
        <td><%= f.check_box(:subscription) %></td>

    <input class="btn btn-primary" name="commit" type="submit" value="Create User"/>

I have made a "Profile" view and controller for the settings page, but am not sure if that is the proper way of doing it, or if I should just use the sign ups controller. 我已经在“设置”页面上创建了“配置文件”视图和控制器,但是不确定这是否是正确的方法,还是不确定是否应该使用注册控制器。 Thank you in advance! 先感谢您!

You can and should use your signups_controller since you want to give the user the ability to edit his SignUp record (or registration). 您可以并且应该使用signups_controller,因为您希望使用户能够编辑其SignUp记录(或注册)。

You only need to add a few things to make this work. 您只需添加一些内容即可完成这项工作。 first, create an edit and an update action in your controller: 首先,在控制器中创建editupdate操作:

def edit
  @user = SignUp.find(params[:id])

def update
  @user = SignUp.find(params[:id])
  respond_to do |format|
    if @user.update(sign_up_params)
      # do this
      # do that

Also rename your sign_ups_params to its singular form => sign_up_params 还要将您的sign_ups_params重命名为其单数=> sign_up_params

And your corresponding views 和你相应的看法

<%= render 'form' %>

<%= form_for(@user, :url => {:action => 'update'}) do |f| %>

since you probably have resources :sign_ups in your config/routes.rb, you should be good to go. 由于您可能在config / routes.rb中具有resources :sign_ups ,因此您应该一切顺利。

Seperating the SignUp from your Profile probably makes life harder than it has to be, except if you use a gem like devise (which does that) in a very clean way. SignUp与您的Profile SignUp可能会使生活变得更加艰难,除非您以非常干净的方式使用诸如devise之类的gem(这样做)。

Which object are you trying to update, or which object holds the attributes you want to update? 您尝试更新哪个对象,或者哪个对象包含要更新的属性?

If you want to update sign_up_params , do so in your SignUpsController and also add your update action as the error you get suggests. 如果您想更新sign_up_params ,在您这样做SignUpsController也可以增加你的update行动,你得到错误提示。 However, if you need to update profile_params, do that in your ProfilesController . 但是,如果您需要更新profile_params,请在ProfilesController执行此操作。

Probably you'll see the confusion now. 现在您可能会看到混乱。 Consider yourself looking into someone elses code, seeing a ProfilesController as well as a SignUpsController create action. 考虑一下自己在研究别人的代码,看到一个ProfilesController以及一个SignUpsController create动作。

Why not just having a ProfilesController where the sign_up is the create action for a Profile object? 为什么不仅仅拥有一个ProfilesController,其中sign_up是Profile对象的create动作?

In case you keep this in your SignUpsController move edit as well as update there. 如果您将其保留在SignUpsController中,请在SignUpsController editupdate

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