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[英]Unable to find a page link's url.

Our company is trying to link a page from a website that's using this code for the link: 我们公司正在尝试从使用此代码作为链接的网站链接页面:

<a href="#" onclick="startBusinessIntent('guest','Retail','Craft/Hobby Vendor','Guest','BWPublic','Craft/Hobby Vendor');return false;">Craft/Hobby Vendor</a>

The website is the NY License Center 该网站是纽约州许可中心

What we're trying to do is... 我们正在尝试做的是...

If you click that link and type in "vendor" in the Search box, it should come up with a page that looks like this: 如果单击该链接,然后在“搜索”框中键入“供应商”,则它应该带有一个类似于以下内容的页面:

Business Type Your search for vendor resulted in 2 business types. 业务类型您对供应商的搜索产生了2个业务类型。

Select a business type to obtain information on New York's requirements for you to conduct this business activity. 选择一种业务类型,以获得有关纽约进行此业务活动的要求的信息。 You will be guided through a series of questions related to your chosen activity. 系统将指导您解决与所选活动相关的一系列问题。 You must answer all questions to receive a summary of the licenses and information you need to start your business. 您必须回答所有问题,以获取许可证摘要和开始业务所需的信息。

Craft/Hobby Vendor Food/Beverage Vendor 工艺/爱好摊贩食品/饮料摊贩

We're trying to link either that entire page or to the least, the "Craft/Hobby Vendor" link. 我们正在尝试链接整个页面,或者至少链接到“工艺/爱好供应商”链接。 Because that link uses an "onclick" script, I'm not entirely sure as to how to fetch the URL to link that particular page. 由于该链接使用“ onclick”脚本,因此我不确定如何获取URL来链接该特定页面。

Thank you. 谢谢。

I would have added a comment, but I'm not able to yet. 我会添加一条评论,但目前还不能。

You posted the url that points to the javascript code, but you would have needed to include a javascript code file or code embedded in your html. 您发布了指向javascript代码的url,但是您需要包含一个javascript代码文件或html中嵌入的代码。 So if you could include a link to the code file or post the relevant code ... 因此,如果您可以包括指向代码文件的链接或发布相关代码...

Even still, it may not be possible. 即使如此,这仍然是不可能的。 You may want to contact them to see if they have a better way of doing it instead of reverse engineering. 您可能希望与他们联系,以查看他们是否有更好的方法来代替逆向工程。

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