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Java, HttpURLConnection 处理 CLOSE_WAIT 连接

[英]Java, HttpURLConnection handle CLOSE_WAIT connections

I am using java HttpURLConnection for REST calls.我正在使用 java HttpURLConnection 进行 REST 调用。 After working(testing of rest calls using ant targets) with all the rest api's I see there are many socket connections that are in 'CLOSE_WAIT' state.在使用所有其余 api 工作(使用 ant 目标测试其余调用)后,我看到有许多处于“CLOSE_WAIT”状态的套接字连接。

I tried by calling the close() methods on the InputStream or OutputStream of an HttpURLConnection, but still the connections are in CLOSE_WAIT state only.我尝试在 HttpURLConnection 的 InputStream 或 OutputStream 上调用 close() 方法,但连接仍然仅处于 CLOSE_WAIT 状态。

One other observation is even with con.disconnect() method also the connection is not being closed.另一个观察结果是即使使用 con.disconnect() 方法也没有关闭连接。

Please help me regarding this issue as CLOSE_WAIT connections indicate an error in the software.请帮助我解决此问题,因为 CLOSE_WAIT 连接表明软件中存在错误。

Below is the code for get call.下面是获取调用的代码。 Other POST/PUT/DELETE calls are also like 'get'其他 POST/PUT/DELETE 调用也类似于“get”

public void get(String url, Header[] headers,
            NameValuePair[] data, ResponseHandler handler) throws HttpException {       
        HttpURLConnection con = null;
        String query = null;
        if (data != null) {
                query = getQueryString(data);
        URL obj;
        if(query == null || query == "")            
            obj = new URL(url);
            obj = new URL(url+"?"+query);       
        con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();     
        if (headers != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
                con.setRequestProperty(headers[i].getName(), headers[i].getValue());
        con.setRequestProperty("Accept-encoding", "gzip");      
        con.setRequestProperty("Authorization", this.auth);     
        int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();       
        if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
            if (handler!=null) handler.handleResponse(con);  // in handleResponse(con) method, I am closing the con input stream
        } else if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) {
            throw new HttpException(new UnauthorizedException());
        } else if (!is2xx(responseCode)) {
            ErrorHandler errHandler = new ErrorHandler();
            throw errHandler.getResult();
        catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            throw new HttpException(e);
        catch (IOException e) {
            handleSessionConnectionError(e, url);
        finally {


Mohan G莫汉高

Calling con.disconnect() may cause the issue.调用con.disconnect()可能会导致问题。 Check this out this link link .看看这个链接链接

It will create sockets on and on, and if the connections are multiple, it will overpass the max limit of files open per process, eg in linux is usually 1024. Instead of using disconnect, always close the input stream, the values defined in http.maxConnection in java system properties will do the work of closing idle connections when the limit is reach.它会不断地创建套接字,如果连接是多个,它将​​超过每个进程打开的文件的最大限制,例如在 linux 中通常是 1024。而不是使用断开连接,始终关闭输入流, http.maxConnection定义的值java 系统属性中的http.maxConnection将在达到限制时完成关闭空闲连接的工作。

Check also javadoc of HttpUrlConnection in class and the method disconnect.还要检查类中 HttpUrlConnection 的javadoc和方法断开连接。

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