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[英]Conditional Count Loop Python

I'm trying to find out where my mistake is in the following code which is about guessing a word. 我试图在下面的代码中找出我的错误所在,该代码与猜测一个单词有关。

If I type in the missing word, "ghost" , it should end the game but it continues to ask for it. 如果输入缺少的单词"ghost" ,它应该结束游戏,但仍会继续要求它。

Where is my mistake? 我的错误在哪里?

number = 0
missword = "ghost"
while number < 3:
    guess = input("What is the missing word? ")
    if guess != "ghost":
        print("Try again")
        number = number + 1
    elif guess == missword:
        print("Game Over")
        print("Game over")

All your loop does is print, you need a break statement: 您的所有循环操作都是打印,您需要一个break语句:

while number<3:
    guess = input("What is the missing word? ")
    if guess!="ghost": # Assuming you actually want this to be missword?
        print("Try again")
        number += 1 # Changed to a unary operator, slightly faster.
    elif guess==missword:
        print("Game Over")
        print("Game over")
        # Is this ever useful?

break exits a loop before the exit condition has been satisfied. 在满足退出条件之前, break退出循环。 Print on the other hand simply outputs text to stdout , nothing else. 另一方面, Print只是将文本输出到stdout ,仅此而已。

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