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[英]Android draw a part of scaled bitmap using canvas

I'm using canvas and have an image 1000x500, phone width 480 and height 800 我正在使用画布,并且图像尺寸为1000x500,电话宽度为480,高度为800

Scale sample: 规模样本:

        scale = (float) (height / image.getHeight());
        image_width = image.getWidth() * scale;
        image_height = image.getHeight() * scale;

How do I draw this scaled image using canvas, having only center(screen size) of the image visible while left and right sides are outside of screen? 如何使用画布绘制此缩放的图像,而左侧和右侧在屏幕外部,只有图像的中心(屏幕尺寸)可见?

do it this way 这样做

Rect rs = new Rect();
Rect rd = new Rect();
rs.left = rs.top = 0;
rs.right = 480;
rs.bottom = 800;

<calculate destination rectangle from device size>

canvas.drawBitmap(myBitmap, rs, rd, null);

You can also scale and translate (shift) the entire canvas 您还可以缩放和翻译(移动)整个画布

canvas.scale(float scaleX, float scaleY);
canvas.translate(float dx, float dy);

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