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bind_param 错误 - 类型定义字符串中的元素数与绑定变量数不匹配

[英]bind_param error - Number of elements in type definition string doesn't match number of bind variables

I have an array that I am preparing for a SQL query, so following the steps to make it secure as possible.我有一个准备用于 SQL 查询的数组,因此请按照以下步骤操作以使其尽可能安全。 Attempting the following:尝试以下操作:

First I implode the array - I want the string result to come out as 'string1','string2','string3' and so on:首先,我内爆数组 - 我希望字符串结果显示为 'string1'、'string2'、'string3' 等等:

$in = "'" . implode("','", array_fill(0, count($finalArray), '?')) . "'";

I make my query:我提出我的查询:

$query = <<<SQL
UPDATE products SET `Status` = 'Reserved' WHERE `SerialNumber` in ($in);
$query = <<<SQL

And prepare the statement variable:并准备语句变量:

$statement = $mysqli->prepare($query);

Then I attempt a bind_param with str_repeat, and this is where things go wrong:然后我尝试使用 str_repeat 使用 bind_param,这就是出错的地方:

$statement->bind_param(str_repeat('\'s\',', count($finalArray)), ...$finalArray);

I get:我得到:

mysqli_stmt::bind_param(): Number of elements in type definition string doesn't match number of bind variables mysqli_stmt::bind_param(): 类型定义字符串中的元素数与绑定变量数不匹配

Does anyone know why I am getting this and how I can resolve it?有谁知道我为什么会得到这个以及我如何解决它?

Looking at your dynamic creating of your placeholders:查看您对占位符的动态创建:

$in = "'" . implode("','", array_fill(0, count($finalArray), '?')) . "'";

So seem to have creating them with ' quotations.所以似乎用'引号创建它们。 Placeholders do not need quotations.占位符不需要引号。

$in = implode(',', array_fill(0, count($finalArray), '?'));

$query = "UPDATE products SET Status = 'Reserved' WHERE SerialNumber IN ($in)";
$statement = $mysqli->prepare($query);

Then, in assigning types, you don't need them quoted also:然后,在分配类型时,您也不需要引用它们:

$statement->bind_param(str_repeat('s', count($finalArray)), $finalArray);

Sidenote: Take note that you'll also having to dynamically call bind_param thru call_user_func_array() since you're going to use an array.旁注:请注意,您还必须通过call_user_func_array()动态调用bind_param因为您将使用数组。 This part discusses it thoroughly .这部分讨论得很透彻

Though I'd suggest/prefer to use PDO's ->execute() :虽然我建议/更喜欢使用 PDO 的->execute()

$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=DATABASE NAME', 'username', 'password');
$in = implode(',', array_fill(0, count($finalArray), '?'));
$query = "UPDATE products SET Status = 'Reserved' WHERE SerialNumber IN ($in)";
$statement = $pdo->prepare($query);

Another way with using Reflection :另一种使用Reflection

$in = implode(',', array_fill(0, count($finalArray), '?'));
$type = str_repeat('s', count($finalArray));
$query = "UPDATE products SET Status = 'Reserved' WHERE SerialNumber IN ($in)";
$statement = $mysqli->prepare($query);

$ref = new ReflectionClass('mysqli_stmt');
$method = $ref->getMethod('bind_param');
array_unshift($finalArray, $type); // prepend the 'sss' inside
$method->invokeArgs($statement, $finalArray);



声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

相关问题 bind_param()的Mysqli错误:类型定义字符串中的元素数量与绑定变量的数量不匹配 - Mysqli error with bind_param(): Number of elements in type definition string doesn't match number of bind variables 错误:mysqli_stmt::bind_param():类型定义字符串中的元素数与绑定变量数不匹配 - Error: mysqli_stmt::bind_param(): Number of elements in type definition string doesn't match number of bind variables SQL错误:mysqli_stmt :: bind_param():类型定义字符串中的元素数量与绑定变量的数量不匹配 - SQL error :mysqli_stmt::bind_param(): Number of elements in type definition string doesn't match number of bind variables 警告:mysqli_stmt::bind_param():类型定义字符串中的元素数与绑定变量数不匹配 - Warning : mysqli_stmt::bind_param(): Number of elements in type definition string doesn’t match number of bind variables mysqli_stmt :: bind_param():类型定义字符串中的元素数量与绑定变量数量不匹配 - mysqli_stmt::bind_param(): Number of elements in type definition string doesn't match number of bind variables warning mysqli_stmt::bind_param(): 类型定义字符串中的元素数与绑定变量数不匹配 - mysqli_stmt::bind_param(): Number of elements in type definition string doesn't match number of bind variables mysqli_stmt :: bind_param():类型定义字符串中的元素数量与使用数组的绑定变量数量不匹配 - mysqli_stmt::bind_param(): Number of elements in type definition string doesn't match number of bind variables using array mysqli_stmt::bind_param()类型定义字符串中的元素个数与个数不匹配 - mysqli_stmt::bind_param()Number of elements in type definition string doesn't match number PHP警告:mysqli_stmt :: bind_param():类型定义字符串中的元素数与数字不匹配 - PHP Warning: mysqli_stmt::bind_param(): Number of elements in type definition string doesn't match number mysqli错误-bind_param:变量数不匹配 - mysqli error - bind_param: number of variables doesn't match
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