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[英]how to read public timeline feed in facebook?

I need to read timeline feed in facebook public pages. 我需要在facebook公共页面中阅读时间轴提要。 I have used syntax to get the feed from timeline: 我使用语法从时间轴获取Feed:


It works well and returns the feed,when facebook page not have "Posts To Page". 当Facebook页面没有“帖子到页面”时,它运行良好并返回提要。 When Page have "Posts To Page",it only returns all posted messages on page not timeline feeds. 当页面具有“帖子到页面”时,它仅返回页面上所有已发布的消息而不是时间轴提要。

Example of a request(Graph API Explorer tools): 请求示例(Graph API Explorer工具):


Please suggest how can read feed from timelines? 请建议如何阅读时间表中的Feed?

Thanks Sameek 谢谢Sameek

/{page-id}/posts shows only the posts that were published by this page. / {page-id} / posts仅显示此页面发布的帖子。

Source: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.3/page/feed 资料来源: https//developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.3/page/feed

The feed of posts (including status updates) and links published by this person, or by others on this person's profile. 此人或其他人在此人的个人资料中发布的帖子摘要(包括状态更新)和链接。 There are other edges which provide filtered versions of this edge: 还有其他边缘提供此边缘的过滤版本:

/{user-id}/posts shows only the posts that were published by this person.
/{user-id}/tagged shows only the posts that this person was tagged in.

All of these derivative edges share the exact same reading structure, however /feed should be used for all publishing purposes. 所有这些衍生边缘共享完全相同的读取结构,但是/ feed应该用于所有发布目的。

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