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将Spring MVC Web应用程序转换为控制台应用程序

[英]Transform Spring MVC web application into a console application

I've got a Maven-based Spring MVC webapp , which structure looks like this: 我有一个Maven-based Spring MVC webapp ,其结构如下所示:


After build it creates a .war and deploys it to an application server . 构建后,它将创建一个.war并将其部署到application server HomeController has request mapping to some url patterns and return .jsp according to given request. HomeController具有映射到某些url模式的请求,并根据给定的请求返回.jsp

 @RequestMapping(value = "/", method = {RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.HEAD})
    public String homeGET(Model model) {
        // perform some actions
        return homeView;

I'd need to find the smoothest way, how to transform this, into a console .jar application. 我需要找到最平滑的方法,如何将其转换为console .jar应用程序。 To make it easier, let's say, I've got just one view and I don't need to handle different url request patterns. 为了简化起见,假设我只有一个视图,并且不需要处理不同的url请求模式。

The eaisest way to go is to port the project and base it on spring-boot, which ofters packaging as a war or an executable jar as a simple config option. 最简便的方法是移植项目并将其基于spring-boot,后者将打包成war或将可执行jar打包成简单的config选项。 Check http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#build-tool-plugins-maven-packaging 检查http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#build-tool-plugins-maven-packaging

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