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[英]Parent method is not recognized by child - JavaScript Prototype Inheritance

--- apparently I did a mistake and the following code DOES work... --- ---显然我做错了,下面的代码确实起作用了...-

I am new to JavaScript and prototype inheritance. 我是JavaScript和原型继承的新手。 I come from a class-based inheritance language background. 我来自基于类的继承语言背景。

I'm trying to create a parent object that does some stuff in it's prototype's methods. 我正在尝试创建一个父对象,该对象在原型方法中做了一些工作。 It has a certain method (doSomething) that inside it calls another method (doNestedSomething). 它有一个确定的方法(doSomething),它在内部调用了另一个方法(doNestedSomething)。

function Parent (num)
    this.num = num;

Parent.prototype.doSomething = function()

Parent.prototype.doNestedSomething = function()

Then I want to create a child that inherits from the super, and overrides the certain method. 然后,我想创建一个从超级继承的子对象,并重写特定方法。

function Child (num, st)
    this.st = st;

    Parent.call(this, num);

Child.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype);

Child.prototype.doSomething = function()
    this.st += " " + this.st;


The problem is, that once it calls the super's doSomething method, inside it the doNestedSomething method somehow does not exist. 问题是,一旦它调用了上级的doSomething方法,在其内部就根本不存在doNestedSomething方法。

var child = new Child(0, "kawaii");
child.doSomething(); //Uncaught TypeError: this.doNestedSomething is not a function

I think I'm doing something wrong. 我想我做错了。 I looked around here about inheritance and prototype and tried to implement it as depicted there. 我在这里四处浏览有关继承和原型的信息,并尝试实现那里描述的那样。
But I can not find any information on how a child can call a super method, when the super method calls some other super method... 但是当超级方法调用其他超级方法时,我找不到有关孩子如何调用超级方法的任何信息...

I looked at John Resig's way to implement inheritance, but still do not see there an example for a child indirectly calling a parent method that does not exist... 我看了约翰·雷西格(John Resig)实现继承的方法 ,但仍然看不到有一个孩子间接调用不存在的父方法的示例。

I've just tested your exemple and it works well, 我刚刚测试了您的示例,效果很好,

For : 对于:

var child = new Child(0, "kawaii");

It output without exception : 输出无异常:

kawaii kawaii
kawaii kawaii kawaii kawaii
kawaii kawaii kawaii kawaii kawaii kawaii kawaii kawaii

Fiddle : https://jsfiddle.net/uwb7omx3/ 小提琴: https : //jsfiddle.net/uwb7omx3/

Tested on chrome 42 经过镀铬测试42

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