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[英]Making a Grails domain class with JS Objects inside?

I'm wondering how I would create a Grails domain class with JavaScript objects as variables on the inside of the class. 我想知道如何创建一个Grails域类,并在类内部使用JavaScript对象作为变量。

For example, I am sending a JSON object that looks like this: 例如,我发送的JSON对象如下所示:

       "label":"Mid Priority",

As you can see, "type" and "priority" are objects in their own. 如您所见,“类型”和“优先级”本身就是对象。 My grails domain class looks like this currently: 我的grails域类当前如下所示:

package server

class Item {

   //String username
   String name
   String type
   String priority
   boolean completed = false
   String comments
   String creator
   String assignedTo

   static constraints = {
       name nullable: false
       priority nullable: true
       type nullable: true
       comments nullable: true
       creator nullable: false
       assignedTo nullable: false

Obviously the string is incorrect, but I don't know what it should be? 显然该字符串不正确,但是我不知道它应该是什么? Right now everything is saved as it should be in the JSON list except for the type and priority. 现在,除了类型和优先级之外,所有内容均应保存在JSON列表中。

For the SQL DBs no other alternatives other than saving the JSON as a string exist. 对于SQL DB,除了将JSON保存为字符串外,没有其他选择。 All solutions have marshalling/unmarshalling at some stage, but the data is still stored as a TEXT or BLOB in a table. 所有解决方案在某个阶段都具有编组/解组功能,但是数据仍以TEXTBLOB形式存储在表中。

NoSQL DB-s like mongo do allow you to store the BSON object as it is. 像mongo这样的NoSQL DB-确实允许您按原样存储BSON对象。

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