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来自helloworld app的nativescript listview项目删除

[英]nativescript listview item delete from helloworld app

I'm just finished to read and test nativescript helloworld app , and i can't understand, how to delete item by clicking on it. 我刚刚读完并测试了nativescript helloworld app ,我无法理解,如何通过点击删除项目。 I'm understand it like i need to get array index after click to make .splice on it, but in args i have now such data?? 我理解它就像我需要在点击后获得数组索引才能生成.splice,但在args中我现在有这样的数据? Please explain me how to do this. 请解释我如何做到这一点。 Thank you! 谢谢!

tasks.js tasks.js

var observableModule = require("data/observable");
var observableArray = require("data/observable-array");
var viewModule = require("ui/core/view");

var tasks = new observableArray.ObservableArray([]);
var pageData = new observableModule.Observable();
var page;

exports.onPageLoaded = function(args) {
    page = args.object;
    pageData.set("task", "");
    pageData.set("tasks", tasks);
    page.bindingContext = pageData;

exports.add = function() {
    tasks.push({ name: pageData.get("task") });
    pageData.set("task", "");
    viewModule.getViewById( page, "task" ).dismissSoftInput();

exports.del_first = function() {
    viewModule.getViewById( page, "task" ).dismissSoftInput();

exports.remove = function(args) {

tasks.xml tasks.xml

<Page loaded="onPageLoaded">
    <GridLayout rows="auto, *">
        <StackLayout orientation="horizontal" row="0">
            <TextField width="200" text="{{ task }}" hint="Enter a task" id="task" />
            <Button text="Add" tap="add"></Button>          
            <Button text="Delete 1st" tap="del_first"></Button>

        <ListView items="{{ tasks }}" row="1">
                <StackLayout orientation="horizontal" row="0">
                    <Label text="{{ name }}" />
                    <Button text="x" tap="remove"></Button> 

The issue is that the button has no knowledge of which task to delete. 问题是该按钮不知道要删除哪个任务。 It is not passed any value other than what you passed it, which was the text="x" and the tap="remove". 除了你传递的值之外,它没有传递任何值,即text =“x”和tap =“remove”。

So, the trick is to assign your own addition value to the button containing the id/index of the task so that you can then match it back to the task. 因此,诀窍是将您自己的附加值分配给包含任务的id / index的按钮,以便您可以将其与任务匹配。 You can use any unassigned name for the button property value and for your object key (I chose to use index ="{{ index }}". So deleteId ="{{ id }}" would be just as valid. 您可以使用任何未分配的名称作为按钮属性值和对象键(我选择使用index =“{{ index }}”。所以deleteId =“{{ id }}”将同样有效。

So the best way to do this currently is with a few minor changes to your code: 因此,目前执行此操作的最佳方法是对代码进行一些小的更改:

tasks.js tasks.js

var observableModule = require("data/observable");
var observableArray = require("data/observable-array");
var viewModule = require("ui/core/view");

// Pretend we loaded some records, notice the new "index" field?
//  This is what name we use in the xml, so it is: "{{ index }}"
//  Again this name can be anything you want; id, index, guid, uuid, etc...
var _tasks = [{name: 'aaa', index: 0}, {name: 'bbb', index: 1}, 
    {name: 'ccc', index: 2},{name: 'ddd', index: 3},{name: 'eee', index: 4}];

// Simple _index count since I cheated and created a fixed array; 
// the better way would be to enumerate the array 
// and set _index to the highest index found in the array.
var _index = _tasks.length;;

var tasks = new observableArray.ObservableArray(_tasks);
var pageData = new observableModule.Observable();
var page;

exports.onPageLoaded = function(args) {
  page = args.object;
  pageData.set("task", "");
  pageData.set("tasks", tasks);
  page.bindingContext = pageData;

exports.add = function() {
  // Note we are creating a new index, always incrementing so that the
  // _index will always be unique.   UUID's would also work.
  var newIndex = ++_index;

  // Push the name and new created index again using the same "index" field
  tasks.push({ name: pageData.get("task"), index: newIndex });
  pageData.set("task", "");
  viewModule.getViewById( page, "task" ).dismissSoftInput();

exports.del_first = function() {
  viewModule.getViewById( page, "task" ).dismissSoftInput();

exports.remove = function(args) {
  // The args is a event packet, with 
  //    eventName = what event occurred 
  //    object = the object this event occurred against
  // So we need to use the target object, 
  //   then we are getting the "index" PROPERTY we assigned on it in the xml
  var target = args.object;
  var index = target.index;

  // Now we search all the tasks, to find the index that matches our
  // index that the button was pressed on.   Then we delete it and break out of the loop.
  for (var i=0;i<tasks.length;i++) {
    if (tasks.getItem(i).index === index) {


tasks.xml tasks.xml

<Page loaded="onPageLoaded">
  <GridLayout rows="auto, *">
    <StackLayout orientation="horizontal" row="0">
        <TextField width="200" text="{{ task }}" hint="Enter a task" id="task" />
        <Button text="Add" tap="add"></Button>
        <Button text="Delete 1st" tap="del_first"></Button>

    <ListView items="{{ tasks }}" row="1">
            <StackLayout orientation="horizontal" row="0">
                <Label text="{{ name }}" />
     <!------------ Notice the new "index" property ----------->
                <Button text="x" index="{{ index }}" tap="remove"/>

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