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[英]Embed a TTF font in a PDF using Aspose.PDF

Using Aspose.PDF .NET 10.4, C#, .NET 4.5 使用Aspose.PDF .NET 10.4,C#、. NET 4.5

I have a .TTF font file in a resources folder of my application. 我的应用程序的资源文件夹中有一个.TTF字体文件。 It is not installed in the system, nor do I wish to do so. 它未安装在系统中,也不希望这样做。 How do I embed the font and use it in a Document? 如何嵌入字体并在文档中使用它?

Thank goodness for ILSpy. 感谢ILSpy。 I searched through the Aspose.PDF dll for "font" and finally figured it out. 我在Aspose.PDF dll中搜索“字体”,最后找到了答案。 Full namespaces below so you know where to get the methods and objects. 下面是完整的名称空间,因此您知道从何处获取方法和对象。

//create the font from a ttf file
Aspose.Pdf.Text.Font myFont =
myFont.IsEmbedded = true;

//new doc, add a new blank page
Document doc = new Document();
Page page = doc.Pages.Add();

//use the font in a style
TextState style = new TextState();
style.Font = myFont;
style.FontSize = 12;
style.FontStyle = FontStyles.Regular;
style.LineSpacing = 4;

TextFragment frag = new TextFragment(sb.ToString());
frag.IsInLineParagraph = true;

//save it

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