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将xaml / C#中的网页保存到通用应用程序ApplicationData中

[英]Save a webpage in xaml/ C# to ApplicationData, universal app

I am learning C# and xaml, now when isolated storage isn't in windows universal, how can I save a page from the internet and compare it with a previously downloaded page and than view it in the webview? 我正在学习C#和xaml,现在当孤立存储不在Windows通用环境下时,如何保存来自互联网的页面并将其与以前下载的页面进行比较,然后在Webview中查看呢? Here is my attempt: C# code: 这是我的尝试:C#代码:

public sealed partial class OdpadloPage : Page

    public OdpadloPage()
        DataContext = this;
    protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)


My xaml code: 我的XAML程式码:

    <WebView Margin="10,0,10,10" Source="http://www.gyarab.cz/suplovani/suplov.htm"/>


As you mentioned , IsolatedStorageSettings is not supported at Windows Universal.Instead , you must use ApplicationDataContainer. 如前所述,Windows Universal不支持IsolatedStorageSettings,而必须使用ApplicationDataContainer。

What you have to do is simply call InvokeScriptAsync method of your webview and get the current source code of the page (you can use one-lined javascript code) and save it to the local settings by using ApplicationDataContainer. 您要做的就是简单地调用Webview的InvokeScriptAsync方法并获取页面的当前源代码(可以使用单行javascript代码),然后使用ApplicationDataContainer将其保存到本地设置。

Sorry that I'm not able to provide you some code examples atm. 抱歉,我无法为您提供一些atm代码示例。

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