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[英]How can I reload my chrome extension by javascript?

I'm trying to make that if you press a button in the popup window in my chrome extension, it will reload the extension. 我试图让我在chrome扩展程序的弹出窗口中按一个按钮,它将重新加载该扩展程序。 Is that possible? 那可能吗?

刚刚找到此方法 ,它确实满足我的要求:


Add this code to manifest.json: 将此代码添加到manifest.json:

"background": {
  "persistent": false,
  "scripts": [ "background.js" ]

Add this code to background.js: 将此代码添加到background.js:

chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {

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