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[英]Xpath find specific value and values of other tags in the same tree

Using PHP, SimpleXML and XPATH; 使用PHP,SimpleXML和XPATH; I want to find a specific serviceId and then find the DMA and Abbreviation values. 我想找到一个特定的serviceId,然后找到DMA和缩写值。 I can find a specific serviceId using $xml->xpath(//d:ServiceId[.= '123']) , but I am not sure how to modify the xpath query to also return the DMA and Abbreviation as well. 我可以使用$xml->xpath(//d:ServiceId[.= '123'])找到一个特定的serviceId,但是我不确定如何修改xpath查询以也返回DMA和缩写。

    <feed xmlns:m="" xmlns:d="">
                    <d:ServiceName>Service 1</d:ServiceName>
                    <d:DMA>DMA 1</d:DMAName>
                    <d:ServiceName>Service 2</d:ServiceName>
                    <d:DMA>DMA 2</d:DMAName>
                    <d:ServiceName>Service 3</d:ServiceName>
                    <d:DMA>DMA 3</d:DMAName>

You need to get m:properties node first. 您需要首先获取m:properties节点。 To get it use this XPath: 要获取它,请使用以下XPath:

//m:properties[d:ServiceId = 123]

After that just query this node to retrieve d:DMA and d:Abbreviation elements. 之后,只需查询此节点即可检索d:DMAd:Abbreviation元素。 Sorry, I don't know PHP but it should be straightforward. 抱歉,我不了解PHP,但是它应该很简单。

As alternative try this XPath with union operator: 或者,尝试使用带有联合运算符的XPath:

//m:properties[d:ServiceId = 123]/d:DMA | //m:properties[d:ServiceId = 123]/d:Abbreviation

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