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我可以直接在“ if”表达式中声明一个对象吗?

[英]Can I declare an object directly in the “if” expression?

I am trying to use an object just for an expression but not sure if that is possible: 我正在尝试仅将对象用于表达式,但不确定是否可以:

if ((new (Random)).Next(0,1))


This does not work, I would like to know whether it is even possible? 这行不通,我想知道是否有可能?

This will work... Note that what you wrote had multiple errors (logical and grammar) 这将起作用...请注意,您写的内容有多个错误(逻辑和语法)

if (new Random().Next(0,2) == 0)

And you aren't declaring an object, you are creating an object. 您不是在声明对象,而是在创建对象。

The syntax to create an object is new TypeName() or new TypeName {} . 创建对象的语法是new TypeName()new TypeName {} If the constructor has parameters, you have to use the syntax new TypeName(par1, par2) . 如果构造函数具有参数,则必须使用语法new TypeName(par1, par2)

Doing a new Random().Next(0, 1) is totally useless... because it will generate a random number between 0 and 1 excluded, so 0 and 0, so 0 :-) 进行一个new Random().Next(0, 1)完全没有用处...因为它将生成一个介于0和1之间的随机数,所以排除了0和0,所以0 :-)

Other "logical" error: a Random object should be reused, not created and used once and then discarded. 其他“逻辑”错误:应该重用Random对象,而不是一次创建和使用它,然后将其丢弃。 This because a Random object "represents" a sequence of random numbers (based on the seed). 这是因为Random对象“代表”一个随机数序列(基于种子)。 If you create multiple Random objects in a short time, they'll often use the same seed, and generate the same sequence. 如果您在短时间内创建多个Random对象,则它们通常会使用相同的种子,并生成相同的序列。 new Random().Next() == new Random().Next() 99 times out of 100. new Random().Next() == new Random().Next() 100的99次。

You can even do more awful things (note the bold)... 您甚至可以做更糟糕的事情 (请注意粗体)...

Random rnd;

if ((rnd = new Random()).Next(0, 2) == 0)

This because the assignment operator = "returns" the value assigned, so you are assigning new Random() to rnd , and then you are taking the assigned value and using it for the .Next . 这是因为赋值运算符= “返回”分配的值,因此您要向rnd分配new Random() ,然后将分配的值用于.Next Note the additional brackets around the assignment. 注意作业周围的其他括号。

If your question is really Can I declare an object directly in the “if” expression? 如果您的问题确实是, 我可以直接在“ if”表达式中声明一个对象吗? , then the answer is no! ,那么答案是否定的! You can't declare a new variable inside the if conditional expression... You can't do: 您不能在if条件表达式中声明新变量...您不能这样做:

if ((Random rnd = new Random()).Next(0, 2) == 0)

The only keyword in C# that lets do it are the for cycle : C#中唯一允许这样做的关键字是for cycle

for (Random rnd = new Random()...

and the using (but this one is more limited, it can only work in IDisposable ) using (但这一方法比较有限,只能在IDisposable

You need to initialize it using () . 您需要使用()对其进行初始化。 It still doesn't return any boolean result which is must for an if condition. 它仍然不返回任何if条件必须的boolean结果。

Do it like this: 像这样做:

if (new Random().Next(0,2) == 1)

This is not possible because 这是不可能的,因为

  1. if condition only check for boolean condition .ie true or false 如果条件仅检查布尔条件。即true或false
  2. Your statement neither return true or false 您的陈述不返回true或false
  3. You statement in if condition returns void (or the variable defined) 您声明条件是否返回void(或定义的变量)

您需要将其更改为if(new Random()。next(0,2)== 0)并且应该没有任何问题...

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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