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如何检查CLLocationCoordinate2D是否位于四个CLLocationCoordinate2D Square内?在Objective C中使用Google Maps

[英]How can I check if a CLLocationCoordinate2D is inside four CLLocationCoordinate2D Square? in Objective C with Google Maps

I want to test if a CLLocationCoordinate2D is inside a Square created from other four CLLocationCoordinate2D 我想测试一个CLLocationCoordinate2D是否在从其他四个CLLocationCoordinate2D创建的Square中

I have a struct like this: 我有这样的结构:

typedef struct {
    CLLocationCoordinate2D southWest;
    CLLocationCoordinate2D southEast;
    CLLocationCoordinate2D northEast;
    CLLocationCoordinate2D northWest;
} Bounds;

And a CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate passed as param. 并将CLLocationCoordinate2D坐标作为参数传递。 And I want to test if coordinate is inside the Bounds. 我想测试坐标是否在Bounds中。 How can I test that? 我怎么测试呢?

- (BOOL) isCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate insideBounds:(Bounds)bounds { ... }

You just create a CLregion or CLCircularRegion and check if the coordinate is contained within the region... 您只需创建一个CLregionCLCircularRegion并检查该坐标是否包含在该区域内......

Like this 像这样

CLCircularRegion *myRegion = [[CLCircularRegion alloc] initWithCenter:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(22, -111) radius:500 identifier:@"myRegion"];
if ([myRegion containsCoordinate:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(22.45, -111.1)]) {
    //Do what you want here


If the 4 points do not represent rectangle or a circle but any 4 points on the map you will need to create the system yourself. 如果4个点不代表矩形或圆形,而是地图上的任何4个点,则需要自己创建系统。 For a point to be inside a shape represented by 4 oriented points it is easiest to check the cross product between the center and each sequential pair of bounds points. 对于在由4个定向点表示的形状内的点,最容易检查中心和每个连续的边界点对之间的叉积。 All results must be positive for clock wise order for the point to be inside the bounds. 对于点在边界内的时钟顺序,所有结果必须为正。 The second thing is you need to convert the coordinates to cartesian system and orient them... Let the code speak for itself: 第二件事是你需要将坐标转换为笛卡尔系统并定位它们......让代码说明一切:

- (double)crossProductZCoordinateForCenter:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)center left:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)left right:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)right {
    CLLocationCoordinate2D A = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(left.latitude-center.latitude, left.longitude-center.longitude);
    CLLocationCoordinate2D B = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(right.latitude-center.latitude, right.longitude-center.longitude);

    return B.latitude*A.longitude - A.latitude*B.longitude;

- (BOOL)isCartesianCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate insideBounds:(Bounds)bounds {
    // Now we will break the system into 4 triangles and check their orientation by using a z component of the cross product. If one of them if negative the coordinate is not inside the region
    if([self crossProductZCoordinateForCenter:coordinate left:bounds.southWest right:bounds.northWest] < .0) return NO;
    if([self crossProductZCoordinateForCenter:coordinate left:bounds.northWest right:bounds.northEast] < .0) return NO;
    if([self crossProductZCoordinateForCenter:coordinate left:bounds.northEast right:bounds.southEast] < .0) return NO;
    if([self crossProductZCoordinateForCenter:coordinate left:bounds.southEast right:bounds.southWest] < .0) return NO;
    return YES;

- (BOOL)isCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate insideBounds:(Bounds)bounds {
    // We may treat the coordinates as cartesian but east should always be larger then west and north should be larger then south
    // Those smaller must be increased by 360 degrees
    if(bounds.southEast.latitude < bounds.southWest.latitude) bounds.southEast.latitude += 360.0;
    if(bounds.northEast.latitude < bounds.northWest.latitude) bounds.northEast.latitude += 360.0;
    if(bounds.northEast.longitude < bounds.southEast.longitude) bounds.northEast.longitude += 360.0;
    if(bounds.northWest.longitude < bounds.southWest.longitude) bounds.northWest.longitude += 360.0;
    // Check if any of the combination coordinates are cartesicly inside the bounds
    // We need to increase the longitude and the latitude by 360 and check all 4 combinations
    if([self isCartesianCoordinate:coordinate insideBounds:bounds]) return YES;
    if([self isCartesianCoordinate:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(coordinate.latitude+360.0, coordinate.longitude) insideBounds:bounds]) return YES;
    if([self isCartesianCoordinate:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(coordinate.latitude, coordinate.longitude+360.0) insideBounds:bounds]) return YES;
    if([self isCartesianCoordinate:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(coordinate.latitude+360.0, coordinate.longitude+360.0) insideBounds:bounds]) return YES;
    return NO;

And some simple tests might come in handy: 一些简单的测试可能派上用场:

- (void)resampleCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D *)coordinate {
    if(coordinate->latitude < -180.0) coordinate->latitude += 360.0;
    if(coordinate->latitude > 180.0) coordinate->latitude -= 360.0;
    if(coordinate->longitude < -180.0) coordinate->longitude += 360.0;
    if(coordinate->longitude > 180.0) coordinate->longitude -= 360.0;

- (void)testLocationSystem {
    NSInteger numberOfTests = 0;
    NSInteger numberOfTestsCheckedOut = 0;

    for(double latitude = -180.0; latitude <= 180.0; latitude++) {
        for(double longitude = -180.0; longitude <= 180.0; longitude++) {
            Bounds bounds;
            bounds.southWest = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitude-15.0, longitude-15.0);
            bounds.northEast = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitude+15.0, longitude+15.0);
            bounds.northWest = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitude-15.0, longitude+15.0);
            bounds.southEast = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitude+15.0, longitude-15.0);
            [self resampleCoordinate:&(bounds.northWest)];
            [self resampleCoordinate:&(bounds.northEast)];
            [self resampleCoordinate:&(bounds.southEast)];
            [self resampleCoordinate:&(bounds.southWest)];

            BOOL success = [self isCoordinate:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitude, longitude) insideBounds:bounds];
            if(success) {
            else {
    NSLog(@"%d/%d succeeded", (int)numberOfTestsCheckedOut, (int)numberOfTests);
- (void)testLocationFailSystem {
    NSInteger numberOfTests = 0;
    NSInteger numberOfTestsCheckedOut = 0;

    for(double latitude = -180.0; latitude <= 180.0; latitude++) {
        for(double longitude = -180.0; longitude <= 180.0; longitude++) {
            Bounds bounds;
            bounds.southWest = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitude-15.0, longitude-15.0);
            bounds.northEast = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitude+15.0, longitude+15.0);
            bounds.northWest = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitude-15.0, longitude+15.0);
            bounds.southEast = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitude+15.0, longitude-15.0);
            [self resampleCoordinate:&(bounds.northWest)];
            [self resampleCoordinate:&(bounds.northEast)];
            [self resampleCoordinate:&(bounds.southEast)];
            [self resampleCoordinate:&(bounds.southWest)];

            for(double angle = .0f; angle < M_PI; angle+=M_PI/10.0) {
                CLLocationCoordinate2D coordiunate = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitude+cos(angle)*20.0, longitude+sin(angle)*20.0);
                [self resampleCoordinate:&coordiunate];


                BOOL success = [self isCoordinate:coordiunate insideBounds:bounds]; // must fail
                if(success == NO) {
                else {

    NSLog(@"%d/%d succeeded", (int)numberOfTestsCheckedOut, (int)numberOfTests);

These all pass for me. 这些都传递给我。 If you find a situation not working but should or other way around please contact me. 如果您发现某种情况不起作用但应该或其他方式请与我联系。

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