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属性字符串“ Google”包含NSLinkAttributeName。 删除

[英]Attributed string 'Google' contains NSLinkAttributeName. Removed

I am developing application in apple Watch. 我正在开发Apple Watch中的应用程序。 I am using label and adding text as link. 我正在使用标签并将文本添加为​​链接。 On that link i want to implement phone call event. 在该链接上,我想执行电话呼叫事件。 I am using following code. 我正在使用以下代码。

[string addAttribute:NSLinkAttributeName
                   range:NSMakeRange(0, string.length)];

but I am getting following error. 但我收到以下错误。

Attributed string '9618194xxx' contains NSLinkAttributeName. Removed

please help me out 请帮帮我

Thanks in Advance 提前致谢

I don't believe WatchKit supports links in attributed strings. 我不认为WatchKit支持属性字符串中的链接。 Since there's no browser on the Watch, tapping it wouldn't open anything anyway. 由于Watch上没有浏览器,因此点击它根本无法打开任何内容。

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