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[英]Webpage-text translation on client-side (without internet connectivity)

I need a web-application to be translated from English to Portuguese. 我需要将Web应用程序从英语翻译为葡萄牙语的应用程序。 Since the servers on which this application runs have no internet access, is there a way to achieve this without using a 3rd Party API. 由于运行此应用程序的服务器无法访问互联网,因此有一种无需使用第三方API即可实现此目的的方法。 Is there a JS Library that can translate from say Language A to Language B on the client side ? 是否有一个JS库可以在客户端将语言A转换为语言B?

You can definitely use Java Script for that. 您绝对可以为此使用Java脚本。

The library well known for translations is the i18next 众所周知的翻译库是i18next

You can integrate with jQuery, but I strongly recommend you using something like AngularJS or Mustache for customise your template. 您可以与jQuery集成,但是我强烈建议您使用AngularJS或Mustache之类的工具自定义模板。

If you choose use AngularJS you can have a different JSON file with your expressions, and depending on the language you are navigating, loads a different JSON file, like: 如果选择使用AngularJS ,则表达式中可以包含其他JSON文件,并且根据要浏览的语言,将加载其他JSON文件,例如:

en.json, es.json, pt.json en.json,es.json,pt.json

You can use JS Cookies for saving the language as same you would do with any backend language. 您可以使用JS Cookies来保存语言,就像使用任何后端语言一样。

Mustache is used to create templates front-side with double brackets {{custom_text}}. 小胡子用于在正面创建带有双括号{{custom_text}}的模板。 AngularJS uses the same idea. AngularJS使用相同的想法。

The only issue if you want to use AJAX. 如果要使用AJAX,这是唯一的问题。 Read more about Google Chrome --allow-file-access-from-files disabled for Chrome Beta 8 阅读有关Google Chrome的更多信息-Chrome Beta 8禁止从文件访问文件

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