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在Visual Studio中生成的中间代码

[英]Intermediate code generated in visual studio

As why Intermediate code is needed is described in Stack Overflow post ,my question is that, 为何在Stack Overflow帖子中介绍了为什么需要中间代码,我的问题是,

Is the intermediate code saved in the solution ? 中间代码是否保存在解决方案中?

How can I view the whole IL generated ? 如何查看生成的整个IL?


Reflector and the File Disassembler add-in from Denis Bauer. Denis Bauer的Reflector和File Disassembler加载项。 It actually produces source projects from assemblies, where Reflector on its own only displays the disassembled source and not Intermediate Code. 它实际上是从程序集生成源项目的,其中Reflector本身仅显示反汇编的源代码 ,而不显示中间代码。

When you compile (such as by clicking F5) - an exe file is created in the bin folder inside your solution - that file is "written" in IL. 编译时(例如通过单击F5键)-在解决方案内的bin文件夹中创建一个exe文件-该文件在IL中“写入”。 As for how to see it - that part is covered in the "duplicate" - by using tools such as mentioned in CodeCoaster's comment above. 至于如何看待-通过使用上面CodeCoaster注释中提到的工具,该部分已在“重复项”中进行了介绍。 (In ILSpy you'll have to choose IL instead of C# or VB to show you the IL.) (在ILSpy中,您必须选择IL而不是C#VB才能显示IL。)

To view IL code you should use additional tools like Reflector or ILASM/ILDASM. 要查看IL代码,您应该使用其他工具,例如Reflector或ILASM / ILDASM。

It's not saved, it's generated during build. 它没有保存,而是在构建期间生成的。

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