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[英]Eclipse plugin migration Kepler to Luna

I'm in a migration of a eclipse plugin from Kepler version to Luna. 我正在将eclipse插件从Kepler版本迁移到Luna。 I have have this error : 我有这个错误:

Discouraged access: The type 'ProxyManager' is not API (restriction on required library '/srv/data204139/dchesnea/LUNA/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.core.net_1.2.200.v20140124-2013.jar')

Have you an idea ? 你有主意吗?

org.eclipse.core.internal.net.ProxyManager is in an internal package and is therefore not part of the official Eclipse API - you should not be using it ( Eclipse API Rules of Engagement ). org.eclipse.core.internal.net.ProxyManager位于内部软件包中,因此不是官方Eclipse API的一部分-您不应该使用它( Eclipse API参与规则 )。

Some of the functions of the proxy manager are available through the org.eclipse.core.net.proxy.IProxyService OSGi service which is part of the official API. 代理管理器的某些功能可通过org.eclipse.core.net.proxy.IProxyService OSGi服务获得,该服务是正式API的一部分。

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