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[英]Chrome doesn't seem to run my script properly… some of the time

I'm developing a website on ASP.NET MVC that's supposed to go live early next month, and I'm having a problem I can't find neither cause nor solution to. 我正在ASP.NET MVC上开发一个网站,该网站应该在下个月初投入使用,但遇到了一个问题,我既找不到原因也没有解决方案。

There's one page with an image slider I wrote myself. 我写了一张带有图像滑块的页面。 In general, it works without trouble. 通常,它可以正常工作。 It never causes trouble in IE or Firefox, and Firebug doesn't throw any errors ever. 它永远不会在IE或Firefox中造成麻烦,并且Firebug永远不会引发任何错误。 However, Chrome doesn't seem to run the initialisation script properly about 50% of the time. 但是,Chrome似乎无法在大约50%的时间内正确运行初始化脚本。 Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. 有时它起作用,有时却不起作用。 The function that sets the image positions and resizes the body of the slider is the same that gets called on a window resize, just that on initialisation it is called directly from the constructor. 设置图像位置并调整滑块主体大小的函数与在窗口调整大小时调用的函数相同,只是在初始化时直接从构造函数中调用。

If the initial initialisation fails, the function gets executed properly and the slider works as soon as the window is resized or the page is refreshed (in both cases, the resizing function is called again). 如果初始化失败,则函数将正确执行,并且在调整窗口大小或刷新页面后,滑块会立即工作(在两种情况下,都将再次调用大小调整函数)。

I have no idea where to start looking for the problem. 我不知道从哪里开始寻找问题。 Is there something like firebug for chrome, so I could take a look where things might go wrong? 是否有类似Chrome的萤火虫之类的东西,所以我可以看看问题可能出在哪里? as the problem never occurs in Firefox, firebug is kinda useless in this situation... 由于该问题从未在Firefox中发生,因此在这种情况下,firebug毫无用处...

Anyways, here's the constructor and the resizing function, in case somebody spots an obvious problem. 无论如何,这里是构造函数和大小调整函数,以防有人发现明显的问题。

constructor: 构造函数:

function ImageSlider(container_id, next_button_id, prev_button_id, image_class, fullscreen_close_icon){
this.container = $(container_id);
this.images = this.container.children("img" + image_class);
this.image_comments = this.container.contents("div" + image_class);
this.current_image = 0;

if (!fullscreen_close_icon)
    this.close_icon = null;
    this.close_icon = fullscreen_close_icon;


this.body_overflow = $("body").css("overflow");             //storing the original overflow of the body, because we're going to hide for the fullscreen view of the image

//initialising images
for (var i = 1; i < this.images.length; ++i)
    this.images.eq(i).css("opacity", "0");
    this.image_comments.eq(i).css("opacity", "0");

var nextbutton = this.container.find(next_button_id);
var prevbutton = this.container.find(prev_button_id);
if (nextbutton == null || nextbutton.length == 0)
    nextbutton = $(next_button_id);
if (prevbutton == null || prevbutton.length == 0)
    prevbutton = $(prev_button_id);
var that = this;
prevbutton.click(function () { that.prevImage() });

if (this.close_icon != null)
    this.container.click(function () { that.fullScreenImage() });

resizing function: 调整大小功能:

ImageSlider.prototype.resize = function () {
var tallestelement = 0;
var tallestsize = 0;
var topoffset = this.images.eq(0).outerHeight(true) + this.image_comments.eq(0).outerHeight(true);
for (var i = 1; i < this.images.length; ++i) 
    //position the current element at the top of the container
    this.images.eq(i).css("top", (topoffset * -1));
    this.image_comments.eq(i).css("top", (topoffset * -1));
    //measure the height of the current element, image and text
    var elementheight = this.images.eq(i).outerHeight(true) + this.image_comments.eq(i).outerHeight(true);
    //add height of the current element to the total offset
    topoffset = topoffset + elementheight;
    //check if the current element is the tallest so far in the slider
    if (elementheight > tallestsize)
        tallestsize = elementheight;
        tallestelement = i;

//resize the container to fit the tallest element
this.container.css("height", this.images.eq(tallestelement).outerHeight(true) + this.image_comments.eq(tallestelement).outerHeight(true) + "px");}

And the call to the constructor in the cshtml: 并在cshtml中调用构造函数:

$(document).ready(function () {
    var slider = new ImageSlider("#slider_image_wrapper", "#upbutton", "#downbutton", ".image", "@Url.Content("~/Content/Images/close.png")");

I almost get the feeling that $(document).ready gets called too early before all the ids are created, but I have no way of verifying that. 我几乎感觉到$(document).ready在创建所有id之前被调用为时过早,但是我无法验证这一点。


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