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[英]Viewing all of table with php and mysql

So, I have pretty limited knowledge when it comes to mysql. 因此,关于mysql我的知识非常有限。 Usually when dealing with content on our site, I'm used to loading it from expressionengine, our cms, which I know fine. 通常,在处理我们网站上的内容时,我习惯于从ExpressionEngine(我们的cms)加载内容,我知道这很好。 But recently I have to update this page that loads its data directly from our database. 但是最近我不得不更新此页面,以直接从我们的数据库中加载其数据。 I took a course on mysql a while back, but I still don't really know how to use it. 我前一段时间上过mysql课程,但我仍然不太了解如何使用它。

The page doesn't need to use too much information, its basically just a list of awards presented to different businesses. 该页面不需要使用太多信息,它基本上只是提供给不同企业的奖项列表。 I assume the table on the database just has a column for Business name, City, Year, and Type of award won. 我假设数据库中的表只有一列,其中包含“企业名称”,“城市”,“年份”和“获奖类型”。 Stuff like that. 像那样的东西。

Now accessing the database doesn't seem like it would be too hard, and I feel like I could google around and find what I need. 现在访问数据库似乎并不难,而且我觉得自己可以四处搜寻并找到所需的东西。 But to get started, I would just like to see the actual table! 但是要开始使用,我只想看看实际的表! Why is it so complicated of a procedure to do? 为什么程序这么复杂?

The code on the file that I'm working on was set up like this to access the database: 我正在处理的文件上的代码是这样设置的,以访问数据库:

$user_name = "xxxxxxxxxx";
$password  = "xxxxxxxxxx";
$server    = "xxxxxxxxxx";
$database  = "xxxxxxxxxx";

    $conni = new mysqli($server, $user_name, $password, $database);

    if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
        <strong>No connection to database possible!<br />
        Please contact us!</strong>

I figured out how to view all tables on the database, by doing this: 通过这样做,我弄清楚了如何查看数据库中的所有表:

$result = mysql_query("show tables"); 
while($table = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { 
    echo($table[0] . "<BR>");   

So I know the name of the table I'm dealing with. 所以我知道我要处理的表的名称。 I found a way to see all the column names: 我找到了一种查看所有列名称的方法:

$query = "select * from my_tablename";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$numcolumn = mysql_num_fields($result);

for ( $i = 0; $i < $numcolumn; $i++ ) {
    $columnnames = mysql_field_name($result, $i);
    echo $columnnames . "<br>";

But I still can't find how to just display the table itself. 但是我仍然找不到如何仅显示表格本身。 I might be thinking about this wrong, or not have the full idea, but what I want is a simple way to display the entire table, like with an html table. 我可能正在考虑这个错误,或者没有完整的想法,但是我想要的是一种简单的方法来显示整个表,例如html表。 How can that be done? 那怎么办?

You can build the <thead> of a table with the column names you have above, however to display the results in a table format, use the mysql_fetch_row function on the $result of SELECT * FROM my_tablename . 您可以使用上面的列名称构建表的<thead> ,但是要以表格式显示结果,请对SELECT * FROM my_tablename$result使用mysql_fetch_row函数。 To reuse the $result after you've got the field names as in your last block, use mysql_data_seek : 要像上一个块中那样获得字段名称后重用$result ,请使用mysql_data_seek

mysql_data_seek($result, 0);

And then you can iterate through your results to get the contents of the table: 然后,您可以遍历结果以获取表的内容:

while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
    echo '<tr>';

    foreach ($row as $value) {
        echo '<td>' . $value . '</td>';

    echo '</tr>';

mysql_fetch_row will get a numerically indexed array with where each value is the column value in MySQL, therefore by running foreach you get the value of each column. mysql_fetch_row将获得一个数值索引的数组,其中每个值都是MySQL中的列值,因此,通过运行foreach可以获取每个列的值。 Put it inside of a <td> , wrap it all in a <tr> and you have yourself a table! 将其放在<td> ,将其全部包裹在<tr> ,您便拥有了一张桌子!

Just for good measure, you should switch to using mysqli in PHP as the mysql_ functions are deprecated in later versions. 出于良好的考虑,您应该切换到在PHP中使用mysqli ,因为在更高版本中不建议使用mysql_函数。 To switch over, use the PHP documentation to search for the mysql_ functions you're currently using, there will be a pink message which will direct you to the mysqli equivalents 要进行切换,请使用PHP文档搜索您当前正在使用的mysql_函数,系统将显示一条粉红色消息,将您定向到mysqli等效项

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