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[英]iOS: dateformatter in swift return nil

I have this code in my app 我的应用程式中有这个程式码

service.requestLastDate{ (response) -> () in

        var str = response as NSString

            var d = str.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("\"", withString: "")

            println("D \(str)") // D 2015-05-25 08:13:33

            var dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
            dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"

            var date_formatted = dateFormatter.dateFromString(d)

            println("DATE FORMATTED \(date_formatted)") // is NIL

with this code date_formatted is ever nil. 使用此代码date_formatted永远为零。 If I print in consolle "d" the result is "2015-02-12 08:15:16", this string is a real string. 如果我在控制台“ d”中打印,结果为“ 2015-02-12 08:15:16”,则此字符串为真实字符串。 If I try to use the string "example" I get a correct date_formatted. 如果我尝试使用字符串“ example”,则会得到正确的date_formatted。 What happen? 发生什么事? I can't understand. 我听不懂 I just tried changing NSLocale and the timezone for the dateFormatter but I have ever the same result. 我只是尝试为dateFormatter更改NSLocale和时区,但结果却相同。

this is the request 这是要求

func requestLastDate(completion:(response:NSString)->()){

        my_req_date = request(.GET, "http://example.com/current_date")
            .responseString { (_, _, string, error) in

            println(" server \(string!)") //server "2015-05-25 08:13:33"
            completion(response: string!)


Hate to break it :) 讨厌打破它:)

Think it might be: 认为可能是:

"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"


"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"


Check your respsonse for that it translates to a proper date-formatted string. 检查您的响应,以确保它可以转换为正确的日期格式的字符串。 Because if I try this, it works: 因为如果我尝试这样做,它将起作用:

var response:AnyObject?
response = "2015-03-17 23:34:12"

if let date:AnyObject = response {

    var d = date as! String
    var example = "2015-03-17 23:34:12"

    var dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"

    var date_formatted = dateFormatter.dateFromString(d)

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