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[英]Passing props from grandchildren to parent

I have following React.js application structure: 我有以下React.js应用程序结构:

<App />
    <BreadcrumbItem />
<App /> 

The problem is, when I click on <BreadcrumbItem /> , I want to change a state in <App /> 问题是,当我点击<BreadcrumbItem /> ,我想在<App />更改状态

I used callback to pass props to <BreadcrumbList/> but that`s how far I got. 我使用回调将道具传递给<BreadcrumbList/>但这就是我得到了多远。 Is there any pattaren how to easily pass props up to compenent tree ? 有没有pattaren如何轻松地将道具传递给竞争树?

How can I pass prop to <App /> , without doing any callback chaining ? 如何在不进行任何回调链接的情况下将prop传递给<App />

If you are doing something simple then its often just better to pass the change in state up through the component hierarchy rather than create a store specifically for that purpose (whatever it may be). 如果您正在做一些简单的事情,那么通常最好通过组件层次结构传递状态更改,而不是专门为此目的创建存储(无论它是什么)。 I would do the following: 我会做以下事情:

BreadcrumbItem BreadcrumbItem

var React = require('react/addons');
var BreadcrumbItem = React.createClass({

embiggenMenu: function() {

render: function() {
    return (
            <div id="embiggen-sidemenu" onClick={this.embiggenMenu} />

module.exports = BreadcrumbItem ;

THEN pass it up to the parent through the BreadcrumbList component..... 然后通过BreadcrumbList组件将其传递给父级.....

 <BreadcrumbItem embiggenToggle={this.props.embiggenToggle}>

... and UP to App, then use it to set the state.... ...和UP到App,然后使用它来设置状态....

var React = require('react/addons');

var App = React.createClass({

embiggenMenu: function() {
        menuBig: !this.state.menuBig

render: function() {
    return (


            <BreadcrumbList embiggenToggle={this.embiggenMenu} />


module.exports = BreadcrumbItem;

This example toggles a simple boolean however you can pass up anything you like. 此示例切换一个简单的布尔值,但您可以传递任何您喜欢的内容。 I hope this helps. 我希望这有帮助。

I have not tested this but it was (quickly) ripped from a live working example. 我没有对此进行过测试,但它已经(很快)从实际工作示例中删除了。

EDIT: As it was requested i'll expand upon the vague: "you can pass up anything". 编辑:根据要求,我将扩大模糊:“你可以放弃任何东西”。

If you were making a navigation menu based on an array and needed to pass up the selected item to a parent then you would do the following 如果您正在制作基于数组的导航菜单,并且需要将所选项目传递给父级,那么您将执行以下操作

var React = require('react/addons');

var ChildMenu = React.createClass({

getDefaultProps: function () {
    return {
        widgets : [

handleClick: function(i) {
    console.log('You clicked: ' + this.props.widgets[i]);

render: function() {
    return (
                {this.props.widgets.map(function(item, i) {
                    var Label = item[0];

                    return (
                            onClick={this.handleClick.bind(this, i)}

                }, this)}

module.exports = ChildMenu;

You would then do the following in the parent: 然后,您将在父级中执行以下操作:

var React = require('react/addons');

var ChildMenuBar = require('./app/top-bar.jsx');

var ParentApp = React.createClass({

widgetSelectedClick: function(selection) {
    //console.log('THE APP LOGS: ' + selection);

    var widgetName = selection[0];

    //YOU CAN THEN USE THIS "selection"
        currentWidget: widgetName

render: function() {
        return (
                <ChildMenu onClick={this.widgetSelectedClick} />

module.exports = ParentApp;

I hope this helps. 我希望这有帮助。 Thanks for the upvote. 谢谢你的upvote。

If you use Flux pattern, you can have a AppStore which listen a BREADCRUMB_CLICK event. 如果您使用Flux模式,您可以拥有一个监听BREADCRUMB_CLICK事件的AppStore So when you click on a BreadCrumbItem, you can execute an action which dispatch BREADCRUMB_CLICK event. 因此,当您单击BreadCrumbItem时,您可以执行分派BREADCRUMB_CLICK事件的操作。 When AppStore handle the event, he inform App component which update your state. AppStore处理事件时,他会通知App组件更新您的状态。

For more informations: 有关更多信息:

Flux architecture Flux架构

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