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通常是“找不到文件”。 nginx + php-fpm

[英]Regularly “File not found”. nginx + php-fpm

I'm using web server nginx + php-fpm and Ubuntu 14.04.2 我正在使用Web服务器Nginx + php-fpm和Ubuntu 14.04.2

I have regularly following error when opening a webpage page: 打开网页时,我经常出现以下错误:

File not found 文件未找到

Config is right. 配置正确。 After restarting nginx or php-fpm a site works perfectly. 重新启动nginx或php-fpm后,站点可以正常运行。

I tried to upgrade nginx, php-fpm, reinstall them but it didn't help. 我尝试升级nginx,php-fpm,重新安装它们,但没有帮助。 The error occurs sometimes every few hours, sometimes every minute. 该错误有时每隔几个小时出现一次,有时每分钟发生一次。 I am tired to restart it. 我很累要重启它。

if your nginx config is right ,i think this reason is the php config. 如果您的nginx配置正确,我认为这是php配置。

may be you shoud to config the php.ini file 可能您应该配置php.ini文件

make sure the field doc_root is empty . 确保doc_root字段为空。

just like this: doc_root = 就像这样: doc_root =

More info here 更多信息在这里

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