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我如何在Jelastic中添加MSSQL php模块

[英]How do I add MSSQL php module in Jelastic

I am developing an application in PHP & MySQL that needs to integrate with Microsoft database SQL Server client. 我正在用PHP和MySQL开发一个需要与Microsoft数据库SQL Server客户端集成的应用程序。 We've done the integration into our development environment, but discover that Jelastic not have the mssql module. 我们已经将其集成到开发环境中,但是发现Jelastic没有mssql模块。

In the Jelastic documentation says that it is possible to upload additional modules for php ( http://docs.jelastic.com/php-extensions ). 在Jelastic文档中说,可以为php上传其他模块( http://docs.jelastic.com/php-extensions )。 Does anyone know how I compile MSSQL to use it in Jelastic? 有谁知道我如何编译MSSQL以在Jelastic中使用它?

Is there any way to connect to a SQL Server database in Jelastic, via PHP, without adding a new module? 有没有什么方法可以通过PHP连接到Jelastic中的SQL Server数据库,而无需添加新模块?

If you experience any difficulties or have any questions, using Jelastic, you can contact support team of your chosen hosting provider. 如果您遇到任何困难或有任何疑问,可以使用Jelastic,与您选择的托管服务提供商的支持团队联系。 To do this, click on the top right button "Help" and choose "Contact Support" on your Dashboard: 为此,请单击右上方的“帮助”按钮,然后在仪表板上选择“联系支持”:


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