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如何将一个核心项目用于SQL Server 2014和Azure SQL数据库

[英]how to use one core project for a SQL Server 2014 and Azure SQL Database

we want to deploy our Software on different editions of SQL Server. 我们想在不同版本的SQL Server上部署我们的软件。 So we made a CoreDB Project, and for every edition (Express, Standard, Enterprise) seperate projects. 因此,我们创建了一个CoreDB项目,并为每个版本(Express,Standard,Enterprise)创建了单独的项目。 Each references the CoreDB to reduce the amount of objects to define. 每个对象都引用CoreDB以减少要定义的对象数量。

Now we want to deploy to Azure DB, but we can not reference the CoreDB from an AzureDB Project. 现在我们想部署到Azure DB,但是我们不能从AzureDB项目中引用CoreDB。

Any Ideas? 有任何想法吗?

Thank you! 谢谢!

Assuming that you are referring to creating CoreDB and AzureDB as Database projects in SSDT - 假设您是指在SSDT中将CoreDB和AzureDB创建为数据库项目-

Unfortunately SSDT will not allow you to create a Database Reference to another database with a different version. 不幸的是,SSDT不允许您创建对另一个版本不同的数据库的数据库引用。 To relate to your earlier example, the following scenario will not be allowed in SSDT: 与前面的示例相关,SSDT将不允许以下情形:

  • CoreDB's target platform is SQL Server 2014 CoreDB的目标平台是SQL Server 2014
  • AzureDB's target platform is Microsoft Azure SQL Database V12 AzureDB的目标平台是Microsoft Azure SQL数据库V12

Check a similar question posted here: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/af6005a6-5c4d-4c1c-bd8b-209d320ceef7/error-setting-up-db-reference-from-dacpac-versions-dont-match?forum=ssdt 检查此处发布的类似问题: https : //social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/af6005a6-5c4d-4c1c-bd8b-209d320ceef7/error-setting-up-db-reference-from-dacpac -versions-不要匹配?论坛= SSDT

If you've found a way of "reusing" the CoreDB code for different versions since you last posted this, please let me know. 如果自上次发布此代码以来,您已经找到了一种“重用”不同版本的CoreDB代码的方法,请告诉我。

Personally (and based on past experience), I'd use source control to create different branches reflecting the different versions. 就个人而言(基于过去的经验),我将使用源代码控制来创建反映不同版本的不同分支。 This allows independent release and code management. 这允许独立的发布和代码管理。 It does require more deployment management and synching up, to ensure that the relevant objects will get the same updates. 它确实需要更多的部署管理和同步,以确保相关对象将获得相同的更新。

Julie 朱丽叶

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