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[英]Android Radio Button PNG Drawable top


I have a Radio Group. 我有一个广播小组。 5 Radio Buttons. 5个单选按钮。 The Radio Button's DrawableTop are set as, android:drawableTop="@drawable/Timeline_icon_drawable" 单选按钮的DrawableTop设置为android:drawableTop =“ @ drawable / Timeline_icon_drawable”

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">

<item android:state_checked="true" android:drawable="@mipmap/explore_icon_pressed" />

<item android:drawable="@mipmap/explore_icon" />


How do I make the png smaller? 如何缩小png?

click on this link.. and download this 9 PATCH RESIZER.. 单击此链接..并下载此9 PATCH RESIZER ..


It is specifically designed for developers of android. 它是专门为android开发人员设计的。 when you will drag any image on this software it will create every version of drawable images such as xxxhdpi, xxhdpi, xhdpi, hdpi, mdpi, ldpi. 当您在此软件上拖动任何图像时,它将创建每个版本的可绘制图像,例如xxxhdpi,xxhdpi,xhdpi,hdpi,mdpi,ldpi。 after customizing png or icon with this software you can use it comfortably in your app. 使用此软件自定义png或图标后,您可以在自己的应用中舒适地使用它。 hope it helps! 希望能帮助到你!

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