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[英]App Invites for Android: Message failed to send with missing container client ID

I am trying to integrate new Google Play Services api " App Invites for Android ". 我正在尝试整合新的Google Play服务API“ Android应用邀请 ”。 I followed all the steps as per guide and generated the gogole-services.json file. 我按照指南执行了所有步骤并生成了gogole-services.json文件。 But when I send an invite to a selected friend via SMS or Email, I get the same error everytime. 但是当我通过短信或电子邮件向选定的朋友发送邀请时,我每次都会收到同样的错误。

Message failed to send

on ADB log getting this: 在ADB日志中得到这个:

E/AppInviteAgent﹕ generic::13: generic::INTERNAL: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Request must associate a valid container client application ID.

Now it seems my app is missing some sort of client app ID but not getting any clue how to configure it. 现在看来我的应用程序缺少某种客户端应用程序ID,但没有得到任何线索如何配置它。

This happens because you used the SHA1 fingerprint from your release key. 发生这种情况是因为您使用了发布密钥中的SHA1指纹。 But the build you test is signed with the android debug key. 但是你测试的构建是用android调试密钥签名的。

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