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[英]Convert generic object list to non-generic type list

I am trying to convert a List of System.Object objects to a List of strongly typed objects. 我想一个转换ListSystem.Object对象添加到List强类型的对象。

Here is the error I am getting: 这是我得到的错误:

Object of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Object]' cannot be converted to type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[TestApp.Tsc_Mrc_Step]'. 类型'System.Collections.Generic.List`1 [System.Object]'的对象不能转换为类型'System.Collections.Generic.List`1 [TestApp.Tsc_Mrc_Step]'。

The purpose is because I am writing a business data layer for my project that all you have to do is name your class and properties the same name as entities in your database and the data layer will automatically populate referenced tables as types that are declared in the class. 目的是因为我正在为项目编写业务数据层,所以您要做的就是为类和属性命名,使其名称与数据库中的实体相同,并且数据层将自动填充引用的表作为在类。

The business data layer uses reflection, generics and objects to deal with all of this. 业务数据层使用反射,泛型和对象来处理所有这些。

Below is the code I tried to put a List of objects into a List of known types. 下面是我尝试将对象列表放入已知类型列表的代码。 The thing is, the object is the known type but I pass it as an object....How do I convert it to the known type without knowing what it is? 问题是,对象是已知类型,但是我将其作为对象传递。...如何在不知道它是什么的情况下将其转换为已知类型?

            bool isCoollection = false;
            Type t = GetTypeInsideOfObjectByTypeName(o, tableName, out isCoollection);

            List<object> objectColl = new List<object>();

            object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(t);
            if (obj != null)
                PropertyInfo[] objectProps = obj.GetType().GetProperties();
                foreach (PropertyInfo op in objectProps)
                    if (HasColumn(reader, op.Name))
                        op.SetValue(obj, reader[op.Name]);

                if (isCoollection)

            if (isCoollection)
                IEnumerable<object> objs = objectColl.AsEnumerable();

                SetObject(o, objs);
                SetObject(o, obj);

Here is SetObject: 这是SetObject:

            public static void SetObject(object parentObject, object newObject)
                PropertyInfo[] props = parentObject.GetType().GetProperties();
                string typeName = newObject.GetType().Name;
                foreach (PropertyInfo pi in props)
                    if (pi.PropertyType.Name.ToLower() == typeName.ToLower())
                        pi.SetValue(parentObject, newObject);
                    else if (!pi.PropertyType.IsValueType && !pi.PropertyType.Namespace.ToLower().Contains("system"))
                        SetObject(pi.GetValue(parentObject), newObject);

If you know all of the values are of the required type in a list: 如果您知道所有值都是列表中的必需类型:

List<Object> objects;
List<Cat> cats = objects.Cast<Cat>().ToList();

If not all the values are of the type, and you want to weed out the ones that aren't: 如果不是所有的值都是该类型,那么您想清除那些不是的值:

List<Object> objects;
List<Cat> cats = objects.OfType<Cat>().ToList();

Both require LINQ. 两者都需要LINQ。

If you don't know the type until runtime, you have to use reflection. 如果直到运行时才知道类型,则必须使用反射。

How to call a generic method through reflection 如何通过反射调用泛型方法

Ok, I accomplished my goal. 好的,我实现了目标。 All thanks to the dynamic variable. 全部归功于动态变量。 I am impressed that I am able to do that using .NET. 我对使用.NET能够做到这一点印象深刻。 What do you think? 你怎么看? Thanks :) 谢谢 :)

Type t = GetTypeInsideOfObjectByTypeName(o, tableName, out isCoollection);

Type genericListType = typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(t);

object coll = Activator.CreateInstance(genericListType);

dynamic objectColl = Convert.ChangeType(coll, coll.GetType());

dynamic d = Convert.ChangeType(obj, obj.GetType());


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