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[英]how to change the text of node in Go.js

I am using go.js to making the graphs. 我正在使用go.js制作图表。 Everything is ok, but now I want to edit the text like the color. 一切都很好,但是现在我想编辑颜色一样的文本。 For this i have made a textarea . 为此,我做了一个textarea And I have done this, but the issue is when i change the text for one node it changes the text for the other nodes I have selected previously. 我已经做到了,但是问题是当我更改一个节点的文本时,它更改了我先前选择的其他节点的文本。 Don't know where I am wrong. 不知道我在哪里错。 Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

 var info = document.getElementById("myInfo");
    myDiagram.addDiagramListener("ChangedSelection", function(e1) {
        var sel = e1.diagram.selection;
        var str = "";
        if (sel.count === 0) {
            str = "Selecting nodes in the main Diagram will display information here.";
            info.innerHTML = str;
        } else if (sel.count > 1) {
            str = sel.count + " objects selected.";
            info.innerHTML = str;
        // One object selected, display some information
        var elem = sel.first();

        var shape = elem.findObject("SHAPE");
        var txtblock = elem.findObject("TEXT");
        str += "<h3>Selected Node:</h3>";
        str += "<p>Figure: " + shape.figure + "</p>";
        str += "<p>Text: <textarea style='height:100px;' id='nodetext'> " + txtblock.text + "</textarea></p>";
        var strokeColor = shape.stroke;
        str += '<p style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;">Color: <input type="text" id="custom" /></p>';
        info.innerHTML = str;

            txtblock.text=$(this).val() ;

        // Initialize color picker
            color: strokeColor,

            // Change colors by constructing a gradient
            change: function(color) {
                var c = color.toRgb();
                var r, g, b;
                var grad1 = new go.Brush(go.Brush.Linear);
                r = Math.min(c.r + 10, 255);
                g = Math.min(c.g + 10, 255);
                b = Math.min(c.b + 10, 255);
                grad1.addColorStop(0, "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")");
                grad1.addColorStop(0.5, color.toRgbString());
                r = Math.max(c.r - 30, 0);
                g = Math.max(c.g - 30, 0);
                b = Math.max(c.b - 30, 0);
                grad1.addColorStop(1, "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")");
                shape.fill = grad1;
                shape.stroke = "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")";
                txtblock.stroke = (r < 100 && g < 100 && b < 100) ? "white" : "black";


To be clear, your question is about modifying the colors of a Shape and a TextBlock, not trying to modify the TextBlock.text property. 明确地说,您的问题是关于修改Shape和TextBlock的颜色,而不是试图修改TextBlock.text属性。

The problem is that you are adding a "change" event handler for the Spectrum object each time the Diagram.selection collection changes. 问题在于,每次Diagram.selection集合更改时,您都将为Spectrum对象添加“更改”事件处理程序。 That event handler is a closure that holds a reference to the particular selected Node. 该事件处理程序是一个闭包,其中包含对特定所选Node的引用。 As the selection changes you add a new event handler, but the old ones are still there and being called, modifying the previously selected nodes. 随着选择的更改,您添加了一个新的事件处理程序,但是旧的事件处理程序仍然存在并被调用,从而修改了先前选择的节点。

There are several possible solutions. 有几种可能的解决方案。 I suggest that you define Spectrum's change event handler only once, not in the "ChangedSelection" DiagramEvent listener. 我建议您只定义一次Spectrum的更改事件处理程序,而不要在“ ChangedSelection” DiagramEvent侦听器中定义。 Set it to be a function that operates on all of the selected Nodes in the Diagram, not on a particular Node. 将其设置为对图表中所有选定节点(而不是特定节点)起作用的函数。 Or perhaps change the colors if there is only one Node that is selected, it that is the policy that you want. 或者,如果仅选择了一个节点,则可能会更改颜色,这就是您想要的策略。

By the way, unless your Links are not selectable, your code ought to handle the case when the user selects a Link. 顺便说一句,除非您的链接是不可选择的,否则当用户选择一个链接时,您的代码应能够处理这种情况。

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