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带批处理的 Java 8 Stream

[英]Java 8 Stream with batch processing

I have a large file that contains a list of items.我有一个包含项目列表的大文件。

I would like to create a batch of items, make an HTTP request with this batch (all of the items are needed as parameters in the HTTP request).我想创建一批项目,使用该批次发出 HTTP 请求(所有项目都需要作为 HTTP 请求中的参数)。 I can do it very easily with a for loop, but as Java 8 lover, I want to try writing this with Java 8's Stream framework (and reap the benefits of lazy processing).我可以使用for循环轻松完成,但作为 Java 8 爱好者,我想尝试使用 Java 8 的 Stream 框架编写它(并获得延迟处理的好处)。


List<String> batch = new ArrayList<>(BATCH_SIZE);
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
  if (batch.size() == BATCH_SIZE) process(batch);

if (batch.size() > 0) process(batch);

I want to do something a long the line of lazyFileStream.group(500).map(processBatch).collect(toList())我想做一些很长的lazyFileStream.group(500).map(processBatch).collect(toList())

What would be the best way to do this?什么是最好的方法来做到这一点?

For completeness, here is a Guava solution.为了完整起见,这是一个番石榴解决方案。

Iterators.partition(stream.iterator(), batchSize).forEachRemaining(this::process);

In the question the collection is available so a stream isn't needed and it can be written as,在这个问题中,集合可用,因此不需要流,它可以写为,

Iterables.partition(data, batchSize).forEach(this::process);

Pure Java-8 implementation is also possible:纯 Java-8 实现也是可能的:

int BATCH = 500;
IntStream.range(0, (data.size()+BATCH-1)/BATCH)
         .mapToObj(i -> data.subList(i*BATCH, Math.min(data.size(), (i+1)*BATCH)))
         .forEach(batch -> process(batch));

Note that unlike JOOl it can work nicely in parallel (provided that your data is a random access list).请注意,与 JOOl 不同的是,它可以很好地并行工作(前提是您的data是随机访问列表)。

Pure Java 8 solution :纯 Java 8 解决方案

We can create a custom collector to do this elegantly, which takes in a batch size and a Consumer to process each batch:我们可以创建一个自定义收集器来优雅地做到这一点,它接受一个batch size和一个Consumer来处理每个批次:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.*;
import java.util.stream.Collector;

import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;

 * Collects elements in the stream and calls the supplied batch processor
 * after the configured batch size is reached.
 * In case of a parallel stream, the batch processor may be called with
 * elements less than the batch size.
 * The elements are not kept in memory, and the final result will be an
 * empty list.
 * @param <T> Type of the elements being collected
class BatchCollector<T> implements Collector<T, List<T>, List<T>> {

    private final int batchSize;
    private final Consumer<List<T>> batchProcessor;

     * Constructs the batch collector
     * @param batchSize the batch size after which the batchProcessor should be called
     * @param batchProcessor the batch processor which accepts batches of records to process
    BatchCollector(int batchSize, Consumer<List<T>> batchProcessor) {
        batchProcessor = requireNonNull(batchProcessor);

        this.batchSize = batchSize;
        this.batchProcessor = batchProcessor;

    public Supplier<List<T>> supplier() {
        return ArrayList::new;

    public BiConsumer<List<T>, T> accumulator() {
        return (ts, t) -> {
            if (ts.size() >= batchSize) {

    public BinaryOperator<List<T>> combiner() {
        return (ts, ots) -> {
            // process each parallel list without checking for batch size
            // avoids adding all elements of one to another
            // can be modified if a strict batching mode is required
            return Collections.emptyList();

    public Function<List<T>, List<T>> finisher() {
        return ts -> {
            return Collections.emptyList();

    public Set<Characteristics> characteristics() {
        return Collections.emptySet();

Optionally then create a helper utility class: (可选)然后创建一个辅助实用程序类:

import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.stream.Collector;

public class StreamUtils {

     * Creates a new batch collector
     * @param batchSize the batch size after which the batchProcessor should be called
     * @param batchProcessor the batch processor which accepts batches of records to process
     * @param <T> the type of elements being processed
     * @return a batch collector instance
    public static <T> Collector<T, List<T>, List<T>> batchCollector(int batchSize, Consumer<List<T>> batchProcessor) {
        return new BatchCollector<T>(batchSize, batchProcessor);

Example usage:用法示例:

List<Integer> input = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
List<Integer> output = new ArrayList<>();

int batchSize = 3;
Consumer<List<Integer>> batchProcessor = xs -> output.addAll(xs);

     .collect(StreamUtils.batchCollector(batchSize, batchProcessor));

I've posted my code on GitHub as well, if anyone wants to take a look:我也在 GitHub 上发布了我的代码,如果有人想看一看:

Link to Github链接到 Github

I wrote a custom Spliterator for scenarios like this.我为这样的场景编写了一个自定义的 Spliterator。 It will fill lists of a given size from the input Stream.它将从输入流中填充给定大小的列表。 The advantage of this approach is that it will perform lazy processing, and it will work with other stream functions.这种方法的优点是它将执行延迟处理,并且可以与其他流函数一起使用。

public static <T> Stream<List<T>> batches(Stream<T> stream, int batchSize) {
    return batchSize <= 0
        ? Stream.of(stream.collect(Collectors.toList()))
        : StreamSupport.stream(new BatchSpliterator<>(stream.spliterator(), batchSize), stream.isParallel());

private static class BatchSpliterator<E> implements Spliterator<List<E>> {

    private final Spliterator<E> base;
    private final int batchSize;

    public BatchSpliterator(Spliterator<E> base, int batchSize) {
        this.base = base;
        this.batchSize = batchSize;

    public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super List<E>> action) {
        final List<E> batch = new ArrayList<>(batchSize);
        for (int i=0; i < batchSize && base.tryAdvance(batch::add); i++)
        if (batch.isEmpty())
            return false;
        return true;

    public Spliterator<List<E>> trySplit() {
        if (base.estimateSize() <= batchSize)
            return null;
        final Spliterator<E> splitBase = this.base.trySplit();
        return splitBase == null ? null
                : new BatchSpliterator<>(splitBase, batchSize);

    public long estimateSize() {
        final double baseSize = base.estimateSize();
        return baseSize == 0 ? 0
                : (long) Math.ceil(baseSize / (double) batchSize);

    public int characteristics() {
        return base.characteristics();


We had a similar problem to solve.我们有一个类似的问题需要解决。 We wanted to take a stream that was larger than system memory (iterating through all objects in a database) and randomise the order as best as possible - we thought it would be ok to buffer 10,000 items and randomise them.我们想要一个大于系统内存的流(遍历数据库中的所有对象)并尽可能地随机化顺序——我们认为缓冲 10,000 个项目并随机化它们是可以的。

The target was a function which took in a stream.目标是一个接收流的函数。

Of the solutions proposed here, there seem to be a range of options:在这里提出的解决方案中,似乎有多种选择:

  • Use various non-java 8 additional libraries使用各种非 java 8 附加库
  • Start with something that's not a stream - eg a random access list从不是流的东西开始 - 例如随机访问列表
  • Have a stream which can be split easily in a spliterator有一个可以在拆分器中轻松拆分的流

Our instinct was originally to use a custom collector, but this meant dropping out of streaming.我们的本能最初是使用自定义收集器,但这意味着退出流媒体。 The custom collector solution above is very good and we nearly used it.上面的自定义收集器解决方案非常好,我们几乎使用了它。

Here's a solution which cheats by using the fact that Stream s can give you an Iterator which you can use as an escape hatch to let you do something extra that streams don't support.这是一个解决方案,它利用Stream可以为您提供一个Iterator的事实来作弊,您可以将其用作逃生舱,让您执行一些流不支持的额外操作。 The Iterator is converted back to a stream using another bit of Java 8 StreamSupport sorcery. Iterator使用另一个 Java 8 StreamSupport法术转换回流。

 * An iterator which returns batches of items taken from another iterator
public class BatchingIterator<T> implements Iterator<List<T>> {
     * Given a stream, convert it to a stream of batches no greater than the
     * batchSize.
     * @param originalStream to convert
     * @param batchSize maximum size of a batch
     * @param <T> type of items in the stream
     * @return a stream of batches taken sequentially from the original stream
    public static <T> Stream<List<T>> batchedStreamOf(Stream<T> originalStream, int batchSize) {
        return asStream(new BatchingIterator<>(originalStream.iterator(), batchSize));

    private static <T> Stream<T> asStream(Iterator<T> iterator) {
        return StreamSupport.stream(

    private int batchSize;
    private List<T> currentBatch;
    private Iterator<T> sourceIterator;

    public BatchingIterator(Iterator<T> sourceIterator, int batchSize) {
        this.batchSize = batchSize;
        this.sourceIterator = sourceIterator;

    public boolean hasNext() {
        return currentBatch!=null && !currentBatch.isEmpty();

    public List<T> next() {
        return currentBatch;

    private void prepareNextBatch() {
        currentBatch = new ArrayList<>(batchSize);
        while (sourceIterator.hasNext() && currentBatch.size() < batchSize) {

A simple example of using this would look like this:使用它的一个简单示例如下所示:

public void getsBatches() {
    BatchingIterator.batchedStreamOf(Stream.of("A","B","C","D","E","F"), 3)

The above prints以上印

[A, B, C]
[D, E, F]

For our use case, we wanted to shuffle the batches and then keep them as a stream - it looked like this:对于我们的用例,我们想对批次进行洗牌,然后将它们作为流保留 - 它看起来像这样:

public void howScramblingCouldBeDone() {
    BatchingIterator.batchedStreamOf(Stream.of("A","B","C","D","E","F"), 3)
        // the lambda in the map expression sucks a bit because Collections.shuffle acts on the list, rather than returning a shuffled one
        .map(list -> {
            Collections.shuffle(list); return list; })

This outputs something like (it's randomised, so different every time)这会输出类似的东西(它是随机的,每次都不同)


The secret sauce here is that there's always a stream, so you can either operate on a stream of batches, or do something to each batch and then flatMap it back to a stream.这里的秘诀是总是有一个流,所以你可以对一个批次的流进行操作,或者对每个批次做一些事情,然后将它flatMap回一个流。 Even better, all of the above only runs as the final forEach or collect or other terminating expressions PULL the data through the stream.更好的是,上述所有内容仅作为最终的forEachcollect或其他终止表达式运行,通过流取数据。

It turns out that iterator is a special type of terminating operation on a stream and does not cause the whole stream to run and come into memory!事实证明, iterator是一种特殊类型的流终止操作,不会导致整个流运行并进入内存! Thanks to the Java 8 guys for a brilliant design!感谢 Java 8 的出色设计!

Note!笔记! This solution reads the whole file before running the forEach.此解决方案在运行 forEach 之前读取整个文件。

You could do it with jOOλ , a library that extends Java 8 streams for single-threaded, sequential stream use-cases:您可以使用jOOλ 来实现,这是一个为单线程、顺序流用例扩展 Java 8 流的库:

Seq.seq(lazyFileStream)              // Seq<String>
   .zipWithIndex()                   // Seq<Tuple2<String, Long>>
   .groupBy(tuple -> tuple.v2 / 500) // Map<Long, List<String>>
   .forEach((index, batch) -> {

Behind the scenes, zipWithIndex() is just:在幕后, zipWithIndex()只是:

static <T> Seq<Tuple2<T, Long>> zipWithIndex(Stream<T> stream) {
    final Iterator<T> it = stream.iterator();

    class ZipWithIndex implements Iterator<Tuple2<T, Long>> {
        long index;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return it.hasNext();

        public Tuple2<T, Long> next() {
            return tuple(it.next(), index++);

    return seq(new ZipWithIndex());

... whereas groupBy() is API convenience for: ...而groupBy()是 API 方便:

default <K> Map<K, List<T>> groupBy(Function<? super T, ? extends K> classifier) {
    return collect(Collectors.groupingBy(classifier));

(Disclaimer: I work for the company behind jOOλ) (免责声明:我为 jOOλ 背后的公司工作)

You can also use RxJava :您还可以使用RxJava

Observable.from(data).buffer(BATCH_SIZE).forEach((batch) -> process(batch));


Observable.from(lazyFileStream).buffer(500).map((batch) -> process(batch)).toList();



You could also take a look at cyclops-react , I am the author of this library.你也可以看看cyclops-react ,我是这个库的作者。 It implements the jOOλ interface (and by extension JDK 8 Streams), but unlike JDK 8 Parallel Streams it has a focus on Asynchronous operations (such as potentially blocking Async I/O calls).它实现了 jOOλ 接口(以及 JDK 8 Streams 的扩展),但与 JDK 8 Parallel Streams 不同,它专注于异步操作(例如可能阻塞异步 I/O 调用)。 JDK Parallel Streams, by contrast focus on data parallelism for CPU bound operations.相比之下,JDK Parallel Streams 专注于 CPU 绑定操作的数据并行性。 It works by managing aggregates of Future based tasks under the hood, but presents a standard extended Stream API to end users.它通过在后台管理基于 Future 的任务的聚合来工作,但向最终用户提供标准的扩展 Stream API。

This sample code may help you get started此示例代码可能会帮助您入门


There is a tutorial on batching here这里有关于批处理教程

And a more general Tutorial here和一个更一般的教程在这里

To use your own Thread Pool (which is probably more appropriate for blocking I/O), you could start processing with要使用您自己的线程池(这可能更适合阻塞 I/O),您可以开始处理

     LazyReact reactor = new LazyReact(40);


Pure Java 8 example that works with parallel streams as well.也适用于并行流的纯 Java 8 示例。

How to use:如何使用:

Stream<Integer> integerStream = IntStream.range(0, 45).parallel().boxed();
CsStreamUtil.processInBatch(integerStream, 10, batch -> System.out.println("Batch: " + batch));

The method declaration and implementation:方法声明和实现:

public static <ElementType> void processInBatch(Stream<ElementType> stream, int batchSize, Consumer<Collection<ElementType>> batchProcessor)
    List<ElementType> newBatch = new ArrayList<>(batchSize);

    stream.forEach(element -> {
        List<ElementType> fullBatch;

        synchronized (newBatch)
            if (newBatch.size() < batchSize)
                fullBatch = new ArrayList<>(newBatch);


    if (newBatch.size() > 0)
        batchProcessor.accept(new ArrayList<>(newBatch));



Simple example using Spliterator使用 Spliterator 的简单示例

    // read file into stream, try-with-resources
    try (Stream<String> stream = Files.lines(Paths.get(fileName))) {
        //skip header
        Spliterator<String> split = stream.skip(1).spliterator();
        Chunker<String> chunker = new Chunker<String>();
        while(true) {              
            boolean more = split.tryAdvance(chunker::doSomething);
            if (!more) {
    } catch (IOException e) {

static class Chunker<T> {
    int ct = 0;
    public void doSomething(T line) {
        System.out.println(ct++ + " " + line.toString());
        if (ct % 100 == 0) {

Bruce's answer is more comprehensive, but I was looking for something quick and dirty to process a bunch of files.布鲁斯的回答更全面,但我一直在寻找快速而肮脏的东西来处理一堆文件。

this is a pure java solution that's evaluated lazily.这是一个懒惰评估的纯Java解决方案。

public static <T> Stream<List<T>> partition(Stream<T> stream, int batchSize){
    List<List<T>> currentBatch = new ArrayList<List<T>>(); //just to make it mutable 
    currentBatch.add(new ArrayList<T>(batchSize));
    return Stream.concat(stream
      .map(new Function<T, List<T>>(){
          public List<T> apply(T t){
              return currentBatch.get(0).size() == batchSize ? currentBatch.set(0,new ArrayList<>(batchSize)): null;
      }), Stream.generate(()->currentBatch.get(0).isEmpty()?null:currentBatch.get(0))

You can use apache.commons :您可以使用 apache.commons :

ListUtils.partition(ListOfLines, 500).stream()
                .map(partition -> processBatch(partition)

The partitioning part is done un-lazily but after the list is partitioned you get the benefits of working with streams (eg use parallel streams, add filters, etc.).分区部分是非惰性完成的,但是在对列表进行分区之后,您将获得使用流的好处(例如,使用并行流、添加过滤器等)。 Other answers suggested more elaborate solutions but sometimes readability and maintainability are more important (and sometimes they are not :-) )其他答案提出了更详细的解决方案,但有时可读性和可维护性更重要(有时它们不是:-))

It could be easily done using Reactor :使用Reactor可以轻松完成:

Flux.fromStream(fileReader.lines().onClose(() -> safeClose(fileReader)))
            .map(line -> someProcessingOfSingleLine(line))

With Java 8 and com.google.common.collect.Lists , you can do something like:使用Java 8com.google.common.collect.Lists ,您可以执行以下操作:

public class BatchProcessingUtil {
    public static <T,U> List<U> process(List<T> data, int batchSize, Function<List<T>, List<U>> processFunction) {
        List<List<T>> batches = Lists.partition(data, batchSize);
        return batches.stream()
                .map(processFunction) // Send each batch to the process function
                .flatMap(Collection::stream) // flat results to gather them in 1 stream

In here T is the type of the items in the input list and U the type of the items in the output list这里T是输入列表中项目的类型, U是输出列表中项目的类型

And You can use it like this:你可以这样使用它:

List<String> userKeys = [... list of user keys]
List<Users> users = BatchProcessingUtil.process(
    10, // Batch Size
    partialKeys -> service.getUsers(partialKeys)

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