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Web测试记录器不允许我记录测试IE11的Windows 7

[英]Web Test recorder does not allow me to record a test IE11 windows 7

I am trying to record a Web Performance Test using the Web Test Recorder 12.00 plugin that comes with VS 2013. 我正在尝试使用VS 2013附带的Web Test Recorder 12.00插件来记录Web性能测试。

This is what I get when the toolbar opens: 这是工具栏打开时的结果: 在此输入图像描述

As you can see the buttons are greyed out and disabled. 如您所见,按钮显示为灰色并已禁用。

I have followed this work around , but without any luck. 我跟着这项工作 ,但没有运气。

Are there any restrictions for this tool? 这个工具有什么限制吗?

Is that a known issue? 这是一个已知问题吗?

I have disabled the Web Test Recorder Helper Add-on and restarted IE, and enabled Add-on again. 我已禁用Web Test Recorder Helper Add-on并重新启动IE,并再次启用Add-on。 And it worked for me. 它对我有用。

This is a known issue. 这是一个已知的问题。 Been around for years. 已经存在多年了。 Unfortunately, Microsoft has no sure fire method to resolve it. 不幸的是,微软没有确定的解决方法。

I am currently having this issue and would really like to find a supported solution, as I will not be shelling out the big bucks for 2013 Ultimate with this issue stopping me from using it for web load testing. 我目前正在解决这个问题,并且非常希望找到一个支持的解决方案,因为我不会为2013年的终极版本支付大笔资金,这个问题阻止我使用它进行网络负载测试。

Issues with this have been under discussion on msdn since at least 2007: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/mtaute/archive/2007/11/09/diagnosing-and-fixing-web-test-recorder-bar-issues.aspx 至少自2007年以来,msdn一直在讨论这方面的问题: http//blogs.msdn.com/b/mtaute/archive/2007/11/09/diagnosing-and-fixing-web-test-recorder-bar- issues.aspx

3rd party edit 第三方编辑

The link above contains different "fixes" depending on the OS and the VS version. 上面的链接包含不同的“修复程序”,具体取决于操作系统和VS版本。 The version 2013 was not mentioned. 没有提到2013版。 But to include at least some information the following quotes are extracts from Michael Taute (MSFT) post: 但要包括至少一些信息,以下引用是Michael Taute(MSFT)帖子的摘录:

VSTS 2005: Vista: 
Recorder bar displays, but the controls are disabled.

Fix:  Webtest recording using VS 2005 on Vista only works when running in
elevated mode.  [When launching VS 2005, right click the icon and choose to
run as administrator]

or 要么

VSTS 2005, 2008: Windows 2003/Vista: 
Recorder bar comes up, but the controls are disabled.

Fix: the web test recorder bar does not work with IE enhanced security 
enabled.  (VSTS 2008 will actually display an error message telling you 
this)  IE enhanced security can be removed from within the Control 
panel / Add Remove Programs / Windows Setup

or 要么

VSTS 2005, 2008, 2010 Beta 1: Windows 7: 
When launching the recorder, the recorder bar does not appear

Fix:  The Windows 7 security model is slightly different than previous
versions of windows. (go figure :)   
To get the recorder to show up, you’ll have to run Visual Studio 
in elevated mode.

I'm brand new to performance testing, and ran into the same problem using VS 2015, Win 7, IE11. 我是性能测试的新手,并使用VS 2015,Win 7,IE11遇到了同样的问题。 The culprit in my case was an IE11 add-on called "Office Document Cache Handler". 在我的案例中,罪魁祸首是一个名为“Office文档缓存处理程序”的IE11加载项。 Microsoft was the one that created the add-on (which I find rather frustrating), but hopefully this helps someone down the road. 微软是那个创建附加组件的人(我觉得相当令人沮丧),但希望这可以帮助有人在路上。

I've got TWO addons: 我有两个插件:

  • Microsoft Web Test Recorder 12.0 Helper (Publisher = "Microsoft Corporation") Microsoft Web Test Recorder 12.0 Helper(Publisher =“Microsoft Corporation”)
  • Web Test Recorder 12.0 (Publisher = "Not Available") Web Test Recorder 12.0(Publisher =“Not Available”)

Both of them should be enabled, otherwise recorder toolbar is grayed out or not displayed at all. 应启用它们,否则录像机工具栏将显示为灰色或根本不显示。 I'm running Windows 10 and VS 2013 update 5. 我正在运行Windows 10和VS 2013更新5。

Instead of adding 'WebAndLoadTestProject' to existing solution, Start with new solution as given in below steps. 不是将“WebAndLoadTestProject”添加到现有解决方案,而是按照以下步骤中的步骤启动新解决方案。

  1. Open Visual studio in 'Run As Administration' mode 在“运行方式管理”模式下打开Visual Studio

  2. Create new project -> Test -> add 'Web performance And Load Test Project'. 创建新项目 - >测试 - >添加'Web性能和负载测试项目'。 WebAndLoadTestProject WebAndLoadTestProject

  3. This opens IE browser with record button enabled state. 这将打开IE浏览器并启用记录按钮状态。

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