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通过JavaScript打开CRM 2011中某个字段的查找对话框

[英]Open the lookup dialog of a field in CRM 2011 from javascript


Here is an example of how to launch the lookup dialog from a custom page - based on CRM2011 (post Rollup 12). 这是一个如何从自定义页面启动查找对话框的示例-基于CRM2011(汇总12)。

var organizationUrl = "http://servername:5555/organizationName";

//Object Type Code of the entity which needs to be shown in the Lookup.
var objectTypeCode = 1000;

var urlToOpen = organizationUrl + "/_controls/lookup/lookupinfo.aspx?LookupStyle=single&browse=0&showpropbutton=1&AllowFilterOff=1&objecttypes=" + objectTypeCode;

//Get the modal window    
var modalWindow = JSON.parse(window.showModalDialog(urlToOpen, " ", "dialogHeight:600px;"));

//Selected Id will be returned here    
var selectedItemId = modalWindow.items[0].id;

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