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[英]Protractor map function returning undefined

Given an app with multiple widgets on it, each with their own title and whatnot, I would like to map each widget's elements, to make them easy to handle in tests. 给定一个带有多个小部件的应用程序,每个小部件都有自己的标题和诸如此类的东西,我想映射每个小部件的元素,以便在测试中轻松处理。

For example, a page: 例如,一个页面:

this.widgets = element.all(by.css('ul.widget-grid')).map(function(widget, index) {
    return {
        index: index,
        title: widget.element(by.css('div.title')).getText()

And then in my spec: 然后在我的规范中:

expect(page.widgets[0].title).toBe('The Title');

Unfortunately, my expects are returning undefined . 不幸的是,我的期望是返回undefined

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么? I'm using Protractor 2.0. 我正在使用Protractor 2.0。

This confused me so I thought I'd add an answer to help others... 这让我很困惑,所以我想我会添加一个答案来帮助别人......

While I understood that map() returns a promise, because I was using it in an expect , I thought it would be resolved, and then should act like an array. 虽然我理解map()返回一个promise,因为我在expect使用它,我认为它会被解析,然后应该像一个数组。 Nope. 不。 It returns an object, that looks like an array, but is not an array. 它返回一个看起来像数组但不是数组的对象。

I ran into this problem, and none of these solved this for me. 我遇到了这个问题,但这些都没有解决这个问题。 For anyone googling like I was here is the real answer: 对于像我在这里谷歌搜索的任何人都是真正的答案:

element.all(by.css('ul.widget-grid')).map(function(widget, index) {
    return {
        index: index,
        title: widget.element(by.css('div.title')).getText()
      this.widgets = map;

map() returns a promise that would resolve into an array of objects. map()返回一个将解析为对象数组的promise。

I think you meant to check the first widget's index and title: 我想你的意思是检查第一个小部件的索引和标题:

var widget = page.widgets[0];

expect(widget.title).toBe('The Title');

Protractor's ElementArrayFinder.prototype.map gave me some hard time. 量角器的ElementArrayFinder.prototype.map给了我一些困难。
The solution that worked for me was a good old for loop: 为我工作的解决方案是一个很好的旧for循环:

 var myElements = element.all(by.css('ul li')) - 1;
 var n = myElements.length - 1;

 for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     var elem = myElements.get(i);
     var open = elem.element(by.css('.some-class'));
     var childElem = filter.element(by.css('[some-attribute]'));

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