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[英]Ensure a only single member of a sublist is present in a Python list

Let's say I have a Python list that might contain any combination of members from the following two tuples: 假设我有一个Python列表,其中可能包含来自以下两个元组的成员的任意组合:

legal_letters = ('a', 'b', 'c')
legal_numbers = (1, 2, 3)

So legal combination lists would include 因此合法组合清单将包括

combo1 = ['a', 1, '3']
combo2 = ['c']
combo3 = ['b', 2, 1, 'c']

Any length, any combination. 任何长度,任何组合。 You can assume no duplicated characters will be in the combination list though. 您可以假定组合列表中没有重复的字符。 I'd like to apply a function to those combinations that modifies them (in place) such that they contain at most a single member of one of the tuples -- say it's numbers. 我想将一个函数应用于那些修改它们的组合(就地),以使它们最多包含一个元组的单个成员-就是数字。 The 'chosen' member of the number tuple should be selected at random. 数字元组的“选择”成员应随机选择。 I also don't care if order gets mangled in the process. 我也不在乎订单是否在此过程中受到破坏。

def ensure_at_most_one_number(combo):
 # My first attempts involved set math and a while loop that was 
 # pretty gross, I'll spare you guys the details.  I'm sure I could get it to work
 # but I figured there might be a one-liner or some fancy itertools out there
 return combo

# Post transformation
combo1 = ['a', '1']
combo2 = ['c']
combo3 = ['c', 'b', 2] # Mangled order, not a problem

I can't think of any one-liner to solve this, but I believe this is concise enough. 我想不出任何一种解决方案,但是我相信这很简洁。

    def only_one_number(combo):
        import random

            number = random.choice([x for x in combo if x in legal_numbers])
            combo[:] = [x for x in combo if x in legal_letters]
        except IndexError:

In case you don't instantly see the need for the exception handling, we need to catch the IndexError that would result from trying to pass an empty list to random.choice(). 如果您没有立即看到需要进行异常处理,则需要捕获因尝试将空列表传递给random.choice()而导致的IndexError。

Not the best, but it should work 不是最好的,但应该可以

numbers = []
for i in legal_numbers:
  if i in combo:
if len(numbers) == 0:
  return combo
return combo

Maybe This? 也许这个?

def ensure_at_most_one_number(combo):
    i = len(combo) - 1      # start with the last element
    found_number = False

    while i >= 0:
            int(combo[i])   # check element is a number
            if  found_number == True:
                del combo[i]    # remove it if a number already found
                found_number = True
        except ValueError:
            pass             # skip element if not a number
        i -= 1

    return combo

Disclaimer: I'm a python beginner myself, so there might be a better way, but this is how I would do it : 免责声明:我本人是python初学者,所以可能会有更好的方法,但这就是我的方法:

import random

def ensure_at_most_one_number(combo, legal_numbers) :

    first_number = True

    for i in range(len(combo)-1, -1, -1) :
        if combo[i] in legal_numbers :
            if first_number :
                first_number = False
            else :
                del combo[i]

Note that I shuffle the list since you said you wanted to keep a random element. 请注意,由于您说过要保留随机元素,因此我对列表进行了混洗。 The iteration is done backwards to keep the correct indices after elements have been deleted from the list. 从列表中删除元素后,将向后进行迭代以保留正确的索引。

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