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[英]MariaDB Dynamic Column Nesting

I have been searching for this for a couple of hours. 我已经搜索了两个小时。 I have setup a MariaDB server and am implementing Dynamic Columns, which I know how to do, but I can't seem to find out how to go more than one level deep. 我已经安装了MariaDB服务器并正在实现“动态列”,我知道该怎么做,但是我似乎找不到更多的方法。

INSERT INTO Invoices (Invoice) VALUES (
    COLUMN_CREATE ('Monthly Fee', 500)

This works, but what I need is something that will allow me to have something like the following SELECT for JSON: 这可行,但是我需要的是使我能够拥有类似于JSON的以下SELECT的东西:

    "services": {
        "Monthly Fee": 500,
        "OnSite": {
            "Units": 10,
            "Rate": 35
        "Mileage": {
            "Units": 181.8,
            "Rate": 0.5
        "Hard Drive Purchase": {
            "Units": 1,
            "Rate": 68.99

I just can't figure out how to get the value of the key to be another dynamic column with its own key:value pairs. 我只是不知道如何获得键的值成为另一个具有自己的key:value对的动态列。

I have tried: 我努力了:

INSERT INTO Invoices (Invoice) VALUES (
    COLUMN_CREATE ('Monthly Fee', 500,

with nesting where I need it. 在需要的地方嵌套。 I'm hoping this is possible and that I just have a simple syntax error. 我希望这是可能的,而且我只是有一个简单的语法错误。

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。

For anyone that might be trying to figure this out: 对于任何可能试图弄清楚这一点的人:

It was a syntax error. 这是语法错误。 The following syntax gives me what I needed: 以下语法提供了我所需的内容:

SET @tmp = column_create (
    column_create (
        column_create ('Rate', 650),
        column_create ('Units', 10, 'Rate', 35),
        column_create ('Units', 181.8, 'Rate', 0.50),
        'Hard Drive Purchase',
        column_create ('Units', 1, 'Rate', 68.99)

    COLUMN_JSON (@tmp);

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