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[英]How to update a app version in the MobileFirst pruduction server 7.0?

It's convenient while developing with the MFP studio (Once any files change, the client will get a update notification which is so-called "direct-update"). 使用MFP Studio进行开发时很方便(一旦任何文件更改,客户端都会收到更新通知,即所谓的“直接更新”)。 But how could make this in a MF production server ? 但是,如何在MF生产服务器中做到这一点呢?

Do we have to do "Replace project war file" in the MF Server configuration Tool and then the re-select a large version number .wlapp file in the worklightconsole ? 难道我们在MF服务器配置工具做“替换项目的war文件”,然后再选择大版本号.wlapp在文件worklightconsole

You can delete the old .wlapp file and put in your new .wlapp file. 您可以删除旧的.wlapp文件,然后放入新的.wlapp文件。 There is no need to replace the .war file 无需替换.war文件

Unlike what Srik wrote - you shouldn't carelessly delete the old .wlapp. 与Srik所写的不同-您不应该不小心删除旧的.wlapp。 By doing so, users who use the version of said .wlapp will not longer be able to connect to the server. 这样,使用上述.wlapp版本的用户将不再能够连接到服务器。

So you if need to trigger a direct update, re-deploy the updated .wlapp file when you need to, don't first delete it. 因此,如果需要触发直接更新,请在需要时重新部署更新的.wlapp文件,而不是先删除它。

Do not delete it even if deploying a new version (1.1 instead of 1.0). 即使部署新版本(1.1代替1.0)也不要删除它。
You should delete only after you are certain that all of the users of 1.0 have migrated to 1.1. 只有在确定1.0的所有用户都已迁移到1.1之后,才应删除。

1.1 constitutes of a new version that was also uploaded to the app store. 1.1构成了一个新版本,该版本也已上传到应用商店。
You can force users to upgrade by "remote disable"ing v1.0 (and point to download the new version). 您可以通过“远程禁用” v1.0强制用户升级(并指向下载新版本)。 When everyone migrated, you can then delete the old version if you really feel like it. 当每个人都迁移后,如果您确实喜欢旧版本,则可以将其删除。

Deletion is done via MobileFirst Console. 删除是通过MobileFirst Console完成的。

  1. Load the console URL 加载控制台URL
  2. Click on Applications 点击应用

You can delete: 您可以删除:

  • The entire all with all of its environments: 整个环境及其所有环境:


  • or a specific environment, or a specific version of an environment (if you had for example 1.0 and 1.1): 或特定环境或特定版本的环境(例如,如果有1.0和1.1):


Agree with what @Idan Adar wrote, and make some addtion IMO: 同意@Idan Adar的内容,并添加一些IMO:

  1. You are doing iterative development of your app and upgrade your product frequentlyly, but just in UI level and adapter level, you can just update .wlapp files (DO NOT delete it ) which will trigger a direct update; 你正在做迭代开发你的应用程序和frequentlyly升级产品,但只是在UI层面和适配器级别,您只需更新.wlapp文件( 删除),这将触发直接更新;
  2. I don't think version number in WL console is so important to the end user (they cannot see it and they don't care), so you can just define a version number inside the app then update by direct update; 我不认为WL控制台中的版本号对最终用户如此重要(他们看不到它们,他们也不在乎),因此您只需在应用程序内定义一个版本号,然后通过直接更新进行更新即可;
  3. If you changed something big, and changed something platform related ,eg : in iOS developing you change worklight.plist (in this file, which WL server your app is connecting to or WL platformVersion is defined here), then you have to rebuild your app and publish them to App Store or Android market. 如果您更改了一些大的东西,并且更改了与平台相关的东西,例如:在iOS开发中,您更改了worklight.plist (在此文件中,您的应用程序连接到哪个WL服务器或在此处定义了WL platformVersion),那么您必须重新构建您的应用程序并将它们发布到App Store或Android市场。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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