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[英]Interactive scanf using pipe

I try to read a value from console in unix using pipe 我尝试使用管道从UNIX中的控制台读取值

exmpl.cpp: exmpl.cpp:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
 int d;
 return 0;

So, when i use 所以,当我使用

./a.out < tmp

I get the number from tmp immidiately, but i want to get number from console 我立即从tmp取得号码,但我想从控制台取得号码

Also, I tried to use 另外,我尝试使用

fscanf(stdin, "%d",&d); 

but it didn't help 但这没有帮助

You can't really do that. 你真的不能那样做。 With < you've changed the stdin of the program, therefore you can't use stdin for user interaction anymore. 使用<您已经更改了程序的标准输入,因此您不能再使用标准输入进行用户交互了。

Consider using tmp file as an argument. 考虑使用tmp文件作为参数。

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