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[英]Get row id of dynamic table in html

Below function is for creating dynamic table with data and performing clicking operations. 以下功能用于创建带有数据的动态表并执行单击操作。 When user is clicked a row we need to get that particular row id. 当用户被单击时,我们需要获取该特定的行ID。 But am always getting only last row id. 但是我总是只获取最后一行的ID。 I tried so many ways. 我尝试了很多方法。 please simplify it: 请简化一下:

function loader() {

    //alert("alert is here");
    //calling java function
        var jsonData = window.webConnector.load();
//parsing json data
        var data=JSON.parse(jsonData);
        //document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = data.pos[0].store_name;
    var totalBillAmount=0.0;
        var posid;
        var row=[];
//creating dynamic table
        for(var i=0;i<data.pos.length;i++){

        var radioHtml = '<input type="radio" name="' + posid + '" id="radio" />';

        var table = document.getElementById("mytbody");
         row[i] = table.insertRow(i);

        var cell1 = row[i].insertCell(0);
        var cell2 = row[i].insertCell(1);
        var cell3 = row[i].insertCell(2);
        var cell4 = row[i].insertCell(3);

        //cell1.innerHTML = radioHtml; 
        cell1.innerHTML = radioHtml+" "+data.pos[i].date_time; 
        cell2.innerHTML = data.pos[i].store_name;
        cell3.innerHTML = data.pos[i].billamount;
        cell4.innerHTML = posid;
//performing operations when row is cliked
        alert(posid);//it gives only last row posid
        //var rowIndex=this.parentNode.rowIndex;
        var rowIndex=$(this).parent().find(row);
        var row1=rowIndex.eq(i).text();
        //var rowindex=$(this).closest(row).index(); 
   //above line  gives 1 and -1
        var rowindex=table.parentNode.rowIndex;
        alert(rowindex) //it gives undefined


On-clicks are futures and you'll have to retain transient scope values by using the right closure setup (IIFE / bind etc.). 点击是期货,您必须使用正确的闭包设置(IIFE / bind等)来保留临时范围值。

row[i].onclick = (function (index) { //capture more aguments as passed
    return function () {
        //more code
}(i)); //pass in more arguments as needed

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