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[英]Load DropNet user token and secret from a database in a C# WinForms application

I wonder if anyone can help. 我想知道是否有人可以提供帮助。 I'm using DropNet client and I've successfully authorized the app with Dropbox and I've stored the user token and secret within a SQL database so I can access them again as follows: 我正在使用DropNet客户端,并且已经使用Dropbox成功授权了该应用程序,并且已将用户令牌和密码存储在SQL数据库中,因此可以按以下方式再次访问它们:

 public void Authenticated(Action success, Action<Exception> failure)
        Client.GetAccessTokenAsync((accessToken) =>
            UserToken = accessToken.Token;
            UserSecret = accessToken.Secret;

            UserAccountManagerBLL accBll = new UserAccountManagerBLL();
            accBll.RememberMe(UserToken, UserSecret, Email);

            if (success != null) success();
        (error) =>
            if (failure != null) failure(error);

What I want to do is load the UserToken and UserSecret upon loading another form so I can drag and drop files and upload to Dropbox without having to authenticate the app with Dropbox all over again. 我要做的是在加载另一种表单时加载UserTokenUserSecret ,这样我就可以拖放文件并上传到Dropbox,而无需再次通过Dropbox验证应用程序。 Here's how I'm loading the token and secret: 这是我加载令牌和密码的方法:

private void DropTray_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DropboxAccess dAccess = new DropboxAccess();

        UserAccountManagerBLL accMan = new UserAccountManagerBLL();

        UserToken = accMan.GetToken(Email);
        UserSecret= accMan.GetSecret(Email);

        if (UserToken == null && UserSecret == null)
            Rectangle workingArea = Screen.GetWorkingArea(this);
            this.Location = new Point(workingArea.Right - Size.Width,
                                      workingArea.Bottom - Size.Height);

            this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;

This method is used to get the token 此方法用于获取令牌

public string GetToken(string eMail)
        using (cxn = new SqlConnection(this.ConnectionString))
            using (cmd = new SqlCommand("spGetDetails", cxn))
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                SqlDataReader dReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                while (dReader.Read())
                    Utoken = dReader["UserToken"].ToString();

        return Utoken;

Same for the secret 秘密也一样

And once I have them, I have two properties that will hold these values upon page load: 一旦有了它们,我就有两个属性,这些属性将在页面加载时保存这些值:

    public string UserToken { get; set; }
    public string UserSecret { get; set; }

The problem is I don't know how to get DropNet to recognise these values I've loaded from the database and I can just start to drag and drop files!? 问题是我不知道如何让DropNet识别我从数据库中加载的这些值,我可以开始拖放文件!

Update: here's where _Client gets the user token and secret for DropNet: 更新:在这里_Client获取_Client的用户令牌和密码:

private DropNetClient _Client;
    public DropNetClient Client
            if (_Client == null)
                _Client = new DropNetClient(appKey, appSecret);

                if (IsAuthenticated)
                    _Client.UserLogin = new UserLogin
                        Token = UserToken,
                        Secret = UserSecret

                _Client.UseSandbox = true;
            return _Client;

If anyone want's it, here's my repository.... 如果有人愿意,这是我的存储库。

SO I was almost there. 所以我快到了。 It turns out all I had to do was create a new instance of DropNet client as opposed to a new UserLogin instance on the page load event! 事实证明,我要做的就是在页面加载事件中创建一个新的DropNet客户端实例,而不是一个新的UserLogin实例!

        UserAccountManagerBLL accMan = new UserAccountManagerBLL();

        UserToken = accMan.GetToken(Email);
        UserSecret = accMan.GetSecret(Email);

        _Client = new DropNetClient(appKey, appSecret, UserToken, UserSecret);

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