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javascript:更改 <DIV> onclick值

[英]javascript : changing <DIV> onclick value

I have a <DIV> which I'm using as a button like this : 我有一个<DIV> ,它被用作这样的按钮

<div id='project_1_task_2_is_done' 
class='button_style_1_small' onClick='taskIsDone(1,2,"y");'>
Is done?

I want to change the onClick string value to taskIsDone(1,2,"n") once the user clicks on it, and then, when it clicks again, back to taskIsDone(1,2,"y") and so on. 我想在用户单击onClick字符串值taskIsDone(1,2,"n")其更改为taskIsDone(1,2,"n") ,然后再次单击时,将其taskIsDone(1,2,"y")taskIsDone(1,2,"y") ,依此类推。

I'm trying to accomplish this from the taskIsDone javascript function such as 我正在尝试通过taskIsDone javascript函数(例如

    document.getElementById('project_' + project_id + '_task_' + task_id + '_is_done')
.onclick = "taskIsDone(" + project_id + "," + task_id + ",'y');"

but it's not working. 但它不起作用。

I looked over the net to more than 7-8 examples, most from here (Stackoverflow) but I'm not finding the answer to my question (which is basically changing dynamically the onclick string for that DIV id. I don't want to run a function, as most of the examples i found present, just want to change the onclick string value, modifying "y" to "n", and again "y", etc, for each click on the div button. 我在网上查看了7到8个以上的示例,大部分都是从这里(Stackoverflow)开始的,但是我没有找到问题的答案(基本上是在动态更改该DIV ID的onclick字符串。我不想就像我发现的大多数示例一样,运行一个函数,只是想更改onclick字符串值,对div按钮的每次单击将“ y”修改为“ n”,然后再次将“ y”修改为此类

thanks!! 谢谢!!

See http://jsfiddle.net/wnw0oskd/ 参见http://jsfiddle.net/wnw0oskd/

You can change it as an attribute, as the alert shows onlick of the element is not 'taskIsDone(1,2,"y");' 你可以改变它作为一个属性,作为警报显示onlick的元素的不是“taskIsDone(1,2,‘Y’);” but a function. 但是一个功能。

document.getElementById('project_' + project_id + '_task_' + task_id + '_is_done').setAttribute("onclick", "taskIsDone(" + project_id + "," + task_id + ",'n'");"

If you print the current value of document.getElementById('your_div').onclick you realize tht it's not the string taskIsDone(1,2,"y"); 如果您打印document.getElementById('your_div').onclick的当前值,您将意识到它不是字符串taskIsDone(1,2,"y"); , but it's: ,但是:

function (event) {

So, if you want to change the value of .onclick , assign it one such a function. 因此,如果您想更改.onclick的值,请为其分配一个这样的函数。

Example (toggle the value of .onclick between a() and b() ): 示例(在a()b()之间切换.onclick的值):

            function a() {
                document.getElementById('foo').onclick = function(event) {
            function b() {
                document.getElementById('foo').onclick = function(event) {
        <div id="foo" style="position: absolute; left: 20px; top: 20px; width: 200px; height: 50px; background-color: red;" onclick="a();">

Try this. 尝试这个。

<div id='project_1_task_2_is_done' 
class='button_style_1_small' >
Is done?

 var check=false;
var button = document.getElementsByClassName('button_style_1_small');
button.click =function(){



to answer your question specifically, try setting "onlick" to a function instead of a string: 要具体回答您的问题,请尝试将“ onlick”设置为函数而不是字符串:

if (is_done=='n'){
  var elmt = document.getElementById(...); // arguments omitted for brevity
  elmt.onclick = function(project_id, task_id) {
    taskIsDone(project_id, task_id, 'y');

Having said that, though, there are better ways of doing this sort of thing. 话虽这么说,但是有更好的方法可以做这种事情。 You could, for instance keep your state in a data attribute attached to the div: 例如,您可以将状态保留在附加到div的data属性中:

<div id='project_1_task_2_is_done' data-done="no"
   class='button_style_1_small' onClick='toggleDone(ev, 1, 2)'>
   Is done?
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggleDone(ev, projectId, taskId) {
   var elmt = ev.target
   elmt.dataset.done = elmt.dataset.done == "yes" ? "no" : "yes"

See http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_global_data.asp 参见http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_global_data.asp

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